Giving Tuesday 2018
Become a monthly supporter

This #GivingTuesday, we’re asking you to help us reach our goal of 1,000 ASDE (Alliance for Self-Directed Education) Sustainers.

We have reached 160 of our 1,000 ASDE Sustainer goal!

ASDE is entirely dependent on donations and bequests. We need the support of people like you to keep this movement growing. When you donate the equivalent of two cups of coffee or tea every month ($5 or more), you’ll be helping us continue to publish articles through Tipping Points Online Magazine, connect people through the local SDE groups, and continue cultivating the online community through the forums and our Resource Directory.

Here’s a clip from an interview with Iris Chen from Untigering blog sharing how ASDE made a difference during their decision making process to try out SDE.

Check out the complete interview video with Iris about her family’s SDE experience on Tipping Points.

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