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SDE Communities

We define an "SDE community" as any school, co-op, learning center, summer camp, live online community, etc., that is aligned with SDE principles.

Note: you can use our 🗺 interactive map to find local communities and other members.

If you're a member of ASDE, and you're connected to an SDE community that is not listed below, please add it to the directory.




Ecole Démocratique de l'Orneau

L’école accueille des enfants de 3 à 18 ans avec une pédagogie basée sur la confiance et l’autonomie, les auto-apprentissages et la gestion démocratique.


A summer camp, school start-up, and training center for SDE parents & facilitators, centered around the eight pillars of connection, trust, self-management, play, democracy, agility, inclusiveness and holism. Locations in Ghent and Mortsel.

Sudbury School Ghent

Op Sudbury School Ghent kunnen leerlingen van 4 tot 18 vrij met elkaar in interactie gaan. Leerlingen leren, spelen en werken volgens hun eigen interesses. Elke leerling en elk staflid heeft 1 stem in de wekelijkse schoolmeeting.


Center for Democratic Learning

A place for free, natural, self-initiated learning, within a full democracy that respects the dignity, rights and freedoms of the individual. Founded 2014.


Minas Gerais

ALC Nature Brasil

Centro de Aprendizagem Ágil voltado para aprendizes auto Dirigidos.

Casa da Árvore

A sudbury-inspired learning community made up of a team of adults and a group of children and teenagers from 4 to 18 years old, meeting Monday-Friday from 1:30-5:30 to collectively build a safe space for the free realization of each one’s potential.

Espaço Voa

The Espaço Voa is a living environment where families, educators, collaborators, and children are given tools to move between self-knowledge, transformation, and connection. Our goal is developing creative potential inside each one.

São Paulo

ALC São Paulo

The first Agile Learning Center in Brazil serving as a learning community for young people and adults.



Fort McMurray Funschool Friday

A collection of homeschooling/unschooling families in Fort McMurray that meets every week at a park, the library, or someone’s home for conversation, snacks and free play for all ages.

British Columbia

Cedar Hill Open Learning

At Cedar Hill Open Learning Community we strongly believe in protecting children’s rights in education. Here, your child is welcome to be whoever they want to be.


A place for Victoria-area homelearners to post meet-ups, get-togethers, and park days.


Alpha II Alternative School

A TDSB grade 7-12 school where students take responsibility for their own learning, participate and lead in the school community and are accountable to themselves, their family, and the community for what they do.

Passages Centre for Self-Directed Learning

At Passages Centre we mentor youth to self-direct their education and create a personalized learning experience–an alternative to mainstream school. We’re a community for youth to dive deep into interests, hobbies and online courses

Wellington County Unschoolers

Wellington County and surrounding area unschooling families. Ask questions, make friends and set up hang outs. We are like minded and sort of in our own category so let’s find each other locally and create a local unschooling community!


Mont-Libre: Centre éducatif agile de Montréal

Un centre éducatif agile pour les jeunes de 8 à 18 ans pratiquant l’éducation à domicile qui s’inspire des écoles libres et du unschooling. An agile educational center for young people aged 8 to 18. Inspired by free schools and unschooling.



Peumal ALC

Un espacio de educación autodirigida, donde los niños vienen a aprender a su ritmo, según sus intereses y acompañados con amor.


Czech Republic

Donum Felix

Demokratická a svobodná škola, jejímiž hlavními východisky jsou důvěra k vnitřnímu směřování dítěte a důraz na učení založeném na vnitřní motivaci.

Komunitní Školy Holubníku

A space where children can meet other children and play together in a free environment, learn to be in relationships outside the family and inspire each other. The program is co-created by children. For ages 5-12.

Prague Worldschooling

Prague worldschooling is a community and platform for worldschoolers both travelling families and locals that want to meet up and take part in activities.

Škola CoLibri

A Summerhill and Sudbury-inspired school for grades 1-9, rooted in freedom, trust, responsibility and respect.

Škola Erazim

A democratic free school for ages 6-15, valuing Self-Directed Education, confidence, responsibility and autonomy.




A Democratic Free School in Berlin. Ages 5-17, only accepts new students up to the age of 11 unless they transfer from other free schools.



A democratic free school founded in 1987, where 150 children between the ages of 6 and 18 come to learn whatever, wherever, however, whenever and with whomever they want – all of the time.

Methodos eV

A group of young people who have come together to prepare themselves for the Abitur. They run the organization democratically and have hired teachers to support and stand by them.


Sudbury School Ammersee

Please help this school reopen – they have been fighting their case against the Bavarian government for 3 years, having been shut down on the grounds that not enough learning was happening!



Demokratische Schule FLeKs

A democratic free school for grades 1-10, where grassroots democratic principles are realized in all aspects of everyday school life.

Lower Saxony

Freie Schule Gleichen

A democratic free school for grades 1-10, with the guiding principles of inclusion, democracy, human rights and sustainability.

North Rhine-Westphalia




ALC Copenhagen

et tilknytningsbaseret hjemmeunderviserfællesskab med rødder i den selvstyrede læring.

Unschooling Bornholm

Welcome guide & community for homeschoolers and unschoolers on the Danish island Bornholm. Meetup group:


El Panal ALC

Somos una comunidad comprometida con la transformación individual – colectiva a través de la autodirección.




Camino, Self-Directed Education

Camino is an educational space where we can put another look at childhood into practice, the education we want to give and receive, and where we can bet on another way of living. The space is open to families at any time and with a coworking area.

Ojo de agua - ambiente educativo

A place where children and young people can choose how to satisfy their own interests in a self-directed, ecological, holistic, democratic and respectful atmosphere.


Champ Libre

A sudbury-inspired democratic school for people ages 4-19.

Club "Libres enfants des Corbières"

À plusieurs familles nous réfléchissons à une possibilité d’accueil d’enfants sur le principe de pédagogies actives non directives, avec une gouvernance de type école démocratique.

De Chenille à Papillon

A democratic school for people 3-18 years old, welcoming community members of all ages in the heart of South Vienna.

Ecole Agile 66

Bilingual and Democratic School of the Eastern Pyrénées, for ages 4-19.

Ecole Créactive

A sudbury-inspired democratic school for ages 3-18, founded in 2016.

Ecole Nikola Tesla

The first Sudbury model democratic school in Lyon, with fulfillment and happiness at the heart of its pedagogy.

Ecole Pétillante

Une école démocratique à 15 minutes de Montpellier pour les 3 à 19 ans. Ouverte depuis Octobre 2017.

Entre Deux Merveilles

Ecole démocratique de type Sudbury travaillant aussi en CNV et sur les systèmes restauratifs.


Sudbury-inspired democratic school for people 3-19 years old. Has a Montessori environment set up, but no one is obligated to use it.

L'Ecole des 2 mains

A project to create a democratic school based on the principles of Unschooling and Sudbury Valley.


L’Envolée est une école démocratique qui peut accueillir 16 jeunes de 3 à 19 ans.

L'atelier des possibles

A sudbury-inspired democratic school for ages 5-19, built around the values of sociocracy and decision-making with consent.

L'école Yvonne Guégan

Une école démocratique au sein d’un espace où cohabitent des ateliers d’artistes, des expositions et le musée atelier de l’artiste caennaise Yvonne Guégan.

La Fabrique Démocratique

A sudbury-inspired democratic school/community learning center/makerspace/coworking space/greenhouse in Boulogne-Billancourt.

La Maison Inspirée

A democratic school/community learning center/coworking space, welcoming children and their parents.

Le Point d'O

A sudbury-inspired democratic school accepting students from 3 to 20 years old, Point d’O first appears as a “place of life” before being a school.

Les Entrelacs

A democratic school in Marseille, for young people 3-19 years old.

Les Hêtres

École démocratique portée par les valeurs de liberté, de bienveillance et d’ouverture, accueillant des élèves de 3 à 19 ans.

L’École Pleine Nature

L’École Pleine Nature est une école démocratique qui défend des valeurs de bienveillance, respect de soi, des autres et de l’environnement, pour contribuer à construire ensemble un monde meilleur.

L’écolieu Terr’Azïl

L’écolieu Terr’Azïl est un projet novateur, à la fois lieu de vie coopératif, terrain d’expérimentation agricole, et centre d’accueil pédagogique, pour ré-apprendre à grandir ensemble, dans le respect des rythmes du vivant.


A sudbury-inspired democratic school for people ages 4-20.


Ecole démocratique de 3 à 18 ans (et plus) inspirée par la Sudbury Valley School, l’école du 3ème type de Bernard Collot, et John Dewey.

Skola Phoenix

A prospective democratic school for people ages 3-18+, offering a place of learning that is both a refuge and a place of discovery, based on the values of freedom, equity, and respect for the person.

Terre d'Éveil

Sudbury-inspired Madet Valley School, for all children and young people who want to grow up in freedom.

À Mon Rythme

A democratic school for young people ages 3-18. Support for students is provided voluntarily by parents.

École Démocratique de Corse

Une école de la liberté et de la confiance: ancrée dans son territoire, sans classe d’âge et pour tous, de 4 à 19 ans.

École Démocratique de Paris

A democratic school with a horizontal and human structure, freed from programs and school rhythms, in favor of autonomous learning: a place of fulfillment in which individual experience and living together are privileged.

École NovAgora

École-collège-lycée démocratique d’inspiration Sudbury, à Strasbourg. Inscriptions possibles tout au long de l’année, pour des jeunes de 6 à 20 ans.

École Rhizomes

École démocratique en Centre Alsace, basée sur les mêmes principes que la Sudbury Valley School. Elle accueille les enfants de 6 à 19 ans.


Nature Play ALC

A co-parenting club and non-formal education collective, based in northern Athens, Greece, hosting regular trainings, pop-up events and camps to help nurture a pioneering Agile Learning Community in the outdoors of North Evia.

Hong Kong


Slobodna skola-Drustvo za pormicanje demokratskog obrazovanja

A non-profit organization of teachers, education professionals, parents and children. The aim is to promote democratic education in Croatia and to work on starting up a democratic school. Seeking assistance from an established democratic school.



Wild Earth

Wild Earth is a nature-based, self-directed learning community for homeschooled children aged 5-18+ in County Clare, Ireland.


West Cork Sudbury School

WCSS is a democratic school for self directed learning, based on the Sudbury model. Open since Sept 2020.


Sligo Sudbury School

A place where young people aged 5-18 can learn through play and experience at their own pace, in their own time and in their own way.


Wicklow Sudbury School

Ireland’s first democratic school for self-directed learning. Students are free to play and fully immerse themselves in whatever passions and interests engage them.


Jerusalem Sudbury School

A Sudbury school founded in 2002, operating on the basis of an educational model underpinning the recognition that significant learning occurs from self-motivation, wherever and in any form.


Aarohi Open Learning Community

Aarohi is an Open Learning Community for learners of all ages and abilities, for all interests, styles, and content areas. Learning by doing what, and how, one wants and self-reflection. A community to CoLive, CoLearn and CoSupport each other.

Sadhana Forest

Community practicing reforestation, water conservation, sustainable living and self-directed education.

The Learning Community at Quest

Quest is a space dedicated to learning, discovery, fun, and creativity, for learners of all kinds, age groups, interests, and abilities.


Reggio Calabria


Flow ALC

Italy’s first ALC, a self-directed learning community for ages 6-14.


Kinone Agile Learning Center

Established in 2023 as the nation’s first and only bilingual center, offers liberatory education for all amidst the serene mountain landscape, empowering learners to explore and grow in a truly immersive environment.

Okinawa Sudbury School

Education that trusts children’s ability to respect and choose their lives. Full time, 5-18 years old.

Shinden Sudbury School


Sri Lanka

Kinder Republic

Sri Lanka’s first and only Democratic School, providing children the freedom to direct their education since 2021.



Project of a public Learning Centre for Democracy, Mindfulness and Self-direction in Luxembourg



Mochicahui Self-Directed Learning Space

¡Un espacio para el aprendizaje autodirigido de niños, jóvenes y adultos! ¡Un espacio para crear, probar, experimentar y de mucho juego libre! ¡Un lugar para explorar y aprender conectados con la naturaleza!


Iyari ALC

Agile learning center in Tlajomulco de Zúñiga.


Explora ALC

Explora ALC is a bi-lingual (English/Spanish) organization committed to igniting the fire of curiosity in all people, radically shifting the way we think about learning, education and what it means to be in community. We support learners ages 4-18.


ALC Querétaro

Somos facilitadores, educadores, emprendedores, homeschoolers y algunos otros somos padres que estamos cambiando la educación para el siglo 21.


Libre Aprendiz ALC es un Centro de Aprendizaje para preescolar, primaria y secundaria, inspirado en el método Scout y en el enfoque Ágil, que promueve el aprendizaje activo, la autonomía, el contacto con la naturaleza

Quintana Roo

Crecer Verde ALC

Primer Centros de Aprendizaje Ágil en Quintana Roo; Otorgamos el 100% de la responsabilidad a quien aprende, a través una educación auto-dirigida.



Udesya Learning Club is a community of free learners inspired on Sudbury Valley

San Luis Potosí

La Tribu

Somos una Comunidad de Aprendizaje y Diversidad Cultural que sostiene su filosofìa con base en el Aprendizaje Autodirigido haciendo uso de herramientas ágiles para su construcción y permanente evolución.


Educambiando ALC

Un espacio donde niños, jóvenes y adultos aprenden a ejercer su libertad, cultivando sí las habilidades para el éxito y la creación intencional de una cultura ágil en México.


Sudbury School Amersfoort

A Sudbury model school that was founded in 2014. Staff have a long history of experience with Self-Directed Education since 2003.

makED - Make Education

A sociocratic learning environment/school where we facilitate intrinsic motivation, as well as friendship, fun and fulfillment.



Centro de Aprendizaje Ágil. Colectivo de familias por la educación autodirigida. Asesoramiento a las familias y servicio personalizado.


Eco-Escuela Tikapata

A free school in the Sacred Valley of the Incas. For students aged 4-18, founded in 2008. Where we recognize, value and respect the diversity of students by giving them the freedom, responsibility, trust and love to direct their own learning.

Project World School

A travel resource for self-directed adolescents and teenagers. We create temporary learning communities all around the world and immerse ourselves in other cultures to better grow, learn and relate, all within community.


Abot Tala

A Liberated Learners center near Manila, Philippines, that helps young people direct their education outside of the conventional school system.

Freedom Academy

Freedom Academy is a place where learning happens — intentionally, creatively, collaboratively, spontaneously, and without bounds.


Unarvu Education

We provide experiential education to self-directed students aged 8+. Our model is emergent and adaptive; our priority is to develop our inner compass—our Unarvu—as we navigate our learning journey within a supportive learning collective.



Re-Design ngo Resource Center for Holistic Education

Rubik Agile School

an agile, self-directed learning community for children ages 6-13 who are enrolled in a school, homeschooling, or unschoolers.

School of Joy

an Agile Learning Center in Cluj-Napoca, practicing and promoting free learning.


Syrian Arab Republic


Oyna Yap Boz

This is a community project to support children’s play and learning. The project is run by volunteers/parents who organize play events and field trips.

United Kingdom


East Kent Sudbury School

Part-time Self-Directed, Democratic provision for Home Educated children aged 5-18. Aiming to become the first registered Independent School based on the Sudbury model in the UK.


Reimagine supports home education clubs for self-directed learning – currently Hummingbirds runs 9am-3pm Mondays and Fridays for children 4-9yrs, in a nurturing environment with plenty of outdoor and free play, interspersed with art/cooking etc.

The Cabin and the Lodge

The Cabin and the Lodge are consent-based, self-directed learning communities for home educated young people.

The Garden

The Garden is an evidence-based, democratic community for children in Bristol, UK. We prioritise the emotional well-being and social skills of children, through an unconditional approach and horizontal communication. Learning is self-directed.

The Green House Education Project

Currently restructuring and working towards becoming an Agile Learning Centre (ALC), similar to how The Green House has been evolving since 2014.


Coed Cariad Learning Community

A nature based part time programme for ages 4 -14 in woodland. Free play, democratically run by the community and self-directed learning are our core characteristics.


United States


Anchorage Agile Learning Community

A thinking outside of the box conversation on how to create a different type of learning experience & environment for the future of our children and the community.


Gilbert Play and Learn

Creating a play and learning group where our kids can make friends and learn and moms can enjoy time with other wonderful moms :)

RE:Frame Youth Arts Center

We are using the arts to RE:Frame spaces and conversations that invisibilize youth from participating in policy and programming creation that directly affects their lives.


Big Oak Homeschoolers

A diverse group of fun, friendly, welcoming unschoolers and gentle homeschoolers in the Sacramento area. Our active membership includes families with children ranging in age from infants to teens.

Bungalow Lane ALC

An Agile Learning Community in Fresno, California, dedicated to cultivating an environment that nurtures children’s natural desire to learn.

Diablo Valley School

A Sudbury model school in Contra Costa County serving students ages 5-19 since 1997.

Empower Oceanside

Empower Oceanside Unschooling Co-Op is for children of any age and their parents and,or caregivers. This is an opportunity to be in community weekly. For kids to engage in open-ended, child-led play and activities while the adults unlearn together.

F.R.E.E. Play!

F.R.E.E Play – Families Respectfully Exploring Education and Play. We have weekly multi-age co-ops, park days, and field trips!

HUGS | SF (Homeschoolers+Unschoolers Group Support)

HUGS is an inclusive all ages, babies to adults, play day that honors diversity in all its forms and expressions, seeks to find commonalities, and provides support for families wherever they are in their exploration of homeschooling and unschooling.

Homeschooling LA

The purpose of this group is to foster in person connections and real friendships. We welcome all homeschoolers/unschoolers that are currently homeschooling/unschooling in the Los Angeles and surrounding areas or are getting ready to start!

KindKin Collective

Self-directed learning center focusing on connection, play, and community located in Sebastopol, CA.

Learn Beyond The Book

Resource center providing a-la-carte classes and events that students choose in locations in LA County, from preschool age through high school. Also provides a community for homeschoolers and coaching and training to help families understand SDE.

Liberated Kids

Liberated Kids is a an SDE community for BIPOC kids in Oakland, California that uses agile tools and meets Monday to Thursday.

Lilac ALC

An inclusive agile learning community serving homeschoolers in California’s Central Valley.

Los Angeles Unschoolers

An eclectic community in Los Angeles providing support to families who live outside the traditional school box. Our weekly parkdays are small enough to be intimate, large enough for kids of all ages to find a group with which to “hang out.”

Luminary Learning Village

Learning space created for young people to follow their curiosities and interests, to play, explore and learn freely, to build strong interpersonal connections, so that they can grow to be responsible adults and confident life-long learners!

Pathfinders Academy

Pathfinders Academy offers inquiry-led STEAM learning experiences for K-5 homeschooling, charter, and unschooling families in Ventura County. We provide interactive, child-centered, evidence-based learning in a safe, fun, social atmosphere.

Rock Tree Sky

A K-12 learning community where youth have the freedom and responsibility to direct their education with the support of caring adults, in a dynamic open-walled environment.

San Diego Learning Revolution

A group to promote student-directed education in San Diego, through organizing powerful campaigns and building solidarity economies. Working to build a student-directed learning center for teens based on the North Star / Liberated Learners model.

San Francisco Homeschooling & Unschooling Group

A group meant to build a community for those that are interested in homeschooling, unschooling, or doing both partially. The group’s ​hub is in San Francisco​, but those in the greater Bay Area are welcome as well.

Santa Barbara Free School

The Santa Barbara Free School is a self-directed and democratic program for homeschool students based in Santa Barbara, California.

Spectrum Youth Project

Spectrum is a community for living fully and creating a healthy world. One of our major long-term goals is to create an alternative to school for young people that is a superior way to live and learn.

The Open School

The only school in Orange County where kids (age 5-18) learn through real life and real democracy. Freedom and responsibility are the curriculum. Students learn by playing, conversing, and pursuing their passions.

WoW (Without Walls) Cooperative

We’re a group of ~15 families that meet at East Bay parks every weekday from 9:30am – 4pm to support self-directed education for our kids (ages 5 to 11). We’re currently open to enrolling a small number of additional families.


Alpine Valley School

A Sudbury-model school founded in 1997 that provides students with the freedom and responsibility to take charge of their time and education, at their own pace, focused around their interests. Serving students age 5-18 in the Denver Metro area.

High Desert Center

Gap year programs for adventurous spirits: Build life skills. Be true to yourself. Satisfy your thirst for community. Take a transformative gap year!

The Boulder Sudbury School

Provides an environment that supports freedom of expression for children and teens (age 4-19) and continuous learning through curiosity, play, and social interaction.

Wildling Collective

Whole-family social support for unschoolers + homeschoolers along the Front Range.


Kaleidoscope ALC

An independent K-12 school for self-directed learners, launching in January 2020 in the Groton/New London area.



Branches Unschoolers of Pinellas County

Our goal is to have many options for unschoolers in Pinellas County to get together; including park days, family potlucks, holiday gatherings, project days, and more.

Florida Unschoolers

A tuition-free, private umbrella school (a legal entity, not a physical or virtual school) that provides a means for nearly 14,000 Florida unschoolers and homeschoolers to comply with the state’s compulsory attendance law.

Florida Unschooling Adventures

This is a group for all types of unschooling adventures in Florida. It is a place to support the unschooling community and all members are welcome to post events and meet ups. Let’s have FUN!

Freedomschoolers Academy

FSA is a private umbrella school for Florida home educators seeking freedom from the county-run home education program (HEP).

SOAR (Society of Autodidactic Radicals)

A group of actively unschooling & radical unschooling families in Brevard County, Florida that get together frequently for support and connections for the adults and kids alike!

Spark ALC

A community of self-directed learners freely creating, playing, collaborating, exploring, sharing, and discovering the world.

Sunset Sudbury School

A non-profit, K-12 school located in Ft Lauderdale, FL. We offer self-directed learning in a supportive community environment.

The Miami Sudbury School

A democratic K-12 school that empowers children through ​freedom & responsibility for truly innovative experiential learning and personal growth.

Unschoolers of Brevard South

A group of families unschooling and homeschooling in the southern region of Brevard County, Florida. We have events monthly, weekly park days and special events.


Anna Julia Cooper Learning & Liberation Center

The AJC L&LC is no longer in operation, but this entry will be retained as an historical record and inspiration. A cooperative, learner-centered, and self-directed community, rooted in a radical Black queer feminist politic.

Heartwood Agile Learning Center

A K-12 independent school that facilitates Self-Directed Education with a mission to artfully enable students to pursue their curiosities and develop meaningful connections between one another, the facilitators and the community.

Oasis Agile Learning Center

Community specifically for learners ages 12+ to collaborate within intentional culture and self directed paths with ALC tools and facilitators. Our focus is strongly on emotional agility and community involvement.

Union County Homeschoolers/Unschoolers

A group for parents and caregivers of children who aren’t in traditional public or private schools, to help us share ideas and methods and try to create & organize group outings and events in Union County, Georgia.


Kauai Homeschooling Friends

Kauai Homeschooling Friends is an ALL inclusive group and its a forum where all homeschooling and/or unschooling families on the island can connect.



Chicagoland Unschoolers

A place for unschooling families from the Chicago area to plan meet-ups and outings, share inspiration, and just generally feel at home.

Illinois Unschoolers

A place for families who are unschooling in Illinois to connect, share, inspire, and play.

Tallgrass Sudbury School

Based on freedom, trust, and respect, Tallgrass welcomes students (age 4-18) from throughout the Chicago area.


Indianapolis' Freeschoolers/Lifeschoolers

A group of unschoolers of different lifestyles, beliefs, & cultures who are committed to being lovingly inclusive to all. We organize park days, field trips, clubs, & meetups and we hope you’ll join us.

Self Directed Academy

Modeled after Sudbury Valley School and inspired by the work of Maria Montessori, Self Directed Academy is an environment where students dig deep into their development and practice the art of making choices and living collaboratively with others.


Wichita Unschoolers

A local meet up group where Wichita area homeschoolers seeking more connections for their self-directed and/or unschooled children can meet in person for regular activities.


POP Louisville

Self-Directed meetups for Louisville KY homeschool families. 3 days a week, 3 hours each day.

Unschool Central Kentucky

This group is for people who are interested in creating an unschooling community in central Kentucky: homeschoolers, teachers, philosophers, scientists, mathematicians, craftspeople, concerned community members...


Bay State Learning Center

A non-coercive environment for students ages 10-19, with no grades, tests, or specific curricular requirements.

Berkshire Freedom Academy

Berkshire Freedom Academy is the Berkshires first self-directed education center and community hub for all branches of the homeschooling umbrella but with a focus on self-direction.

Hilltown Families: Community-Based Education Network

Established in 2005, Hilltown Families is a community-based education network which highlights the embedded learning found throughout Western Massachusetts, making the information accessible online to self-directed and life-long learners wanting to g

Macomber Center

A self-directed learning community for children of all ages. We are a fully staffed drop-off center which runs from 9am to 5pm, five days a week.

Pathfinder Learning Center

We are a self-directed learning center where students find community, resources, and support while they pursue their own educational vision.

Southcoast Homeschoolers & Unschoolers

A hyperlocal group for homeschoolers/unschoolers living on or near the Southcoast of MA and RI to build connections and share & create local programs and events.

Sudbury Valley School

A democratic school for students, ages 4-19, founded in 1968 on the principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

The Learning Co-op

A mixed-age cooperative learning program that promotes and supports self-directed education and democratic decision-making as an option for all learners and all families.


Arts & Ideas Sudbury School

A democratic school for ages 5-18, with core principles of trust, autonomy, justice, and learning through play.

Fairhaven School

A Sudbury model school serving students age 5-18. Founded in 1998 and located in a rural setting.



Big Bad Wolf House

Self-Directed Education community in SW Detroit, Michigan for ages 5-16. 3 & 5 day options.

Blue Bridge School

Blue Bridge is an independent, Agile Learning Center located in Grand Rapids, MI. We provide Self-Directed Education in an environment that values liberation, social responsibility, and community.

Lupine Learning Community

A community for self-directed learners ages 12-18 committed to the belief that kids are human beings with a natural desire to learn, given the time, space, and tools they need.

Unschool Adventures

Here at Unschool Adventures we create big adventures for self-directed teenagers. Since 2008 our mission has remained the same: to help young people build new friendships, unforgettable memories, and the confidence to lead an unconventional life.


Little Urban Explorers

A secular group of unschoolers and homeschoolers from Minneapolis and the surrounding communities who meet every Thursday, year-round, for classes, field trips, and less-structured meetups.

SHINE Together, LLC

SHINE Together, LLC is a play-based, nature-focused, interest-led holistic education program for K-12 homeschoolers in central Minnesota on 20 acres.

Twin Cities Unschoolers

This group aims to create a community of unschooling families in the Twin Cities metro area that connect both online and in real life for field trips, friendship, and support.


Saint Louis Sudbury School

Missouri’s first Sudbury-model school, offering fully Self-Directed Education in a democratic learning community for students age 5-18.

The Children's Community

We are a mixed-age, self-directed education community practicing autonomy, consent, and connection. Young people ages 5-18 unschooling together on a farm and in the forest. is a democratic, micro school using downtown Springfield, MO as its classroom.


Glacier Lake School

A self-directed, democratic school where children are trusted to take full control of their own lives and learning. Based on democratic/free school models from around the world, including Sudbury Valley School and Summerhill.

North Carolina

ALC Mosaic

An independent “K-12 school” for self-directed learners and a half-day “pre-K” for ages 2-4 — an Agile Learning Community that uses agile tools for self-organization and intentional culture creation.

Dandelion Learning Collaborative

We’re an experiential learning community near downtown Wake Forest, offering in person meetings for homeschoolers ages 5-12, family support, and community gatherings.

Gastonia Freedom School

A pre-K to 8 private school and homeschool resource center for self-directed children with disabilities.

Greensboro Area Unschoolers

A group for for pursuing and exploring unschooling ideas as well as having events that are experience based and easily child led instead of curriculum based, in and around Greensboro, NC.

Homeschool Park Days

This local meet up group was created to provide a community in the Jacksonville, NC area for relaxed homeschoolers and unschoolers, regardless of religious/secular and political beliefs.

Piedmont Forest School

We have Nature-based programs for ages 15 months to 14 years, with our largest program being Forest Kindergarten for ages 30 mos to 6 years. Children engage in unstructured free play in the woods. We are likely expanding soon to include indoors.

Unschoolers of Central Wake

We meet 8-10 times a month at playgrounds, museums, coffee shops and who knows where else, creating a steady, supportive in-person community for ourselves and our children in a non-competitive, social environment where learning comes naturally.

Wildwood ALC

An Agile Learning Community and a nonprofit program for homeschoolers ages 7-17 in the Boone, NC area who wish to engage in collaborative, self-directed learning experiences within a supportive multi-age environment.

ZigZag Liberation Station & ALC

A self-directed, agile learning school in Asheville, NC. We do unschooling in community, with compassion, and in the service of creating a new culture based on power-with instead of power-over.


Wild Learning

Wild Learning is a democratic self-directed learning space and school that focuses on nature, art, and community where young people can create a culture based on care, choice, and creativity.

New Hampshire

Latitude Learning Resources

A NH based homeschool learning center, Latitude’s focus is enrichment classes and community activities that support the needs, interests, and abilities of our students in single interest or cross-curricular areas.

Seacoast Unschooling

A group for Seacoast unschooling families to come together, share interesting activities, discuss unschooling philosophy, and organize & share local social events, such as potlucks, playdates, park days, family activities, workshops, etc.

New Jersey

Jersey Shore Free School

A private, nonprofit, nontraditional K-12 democratic community school based on the Sudbury model.

Princeton Learning Cooperative

A community of teenagers engaging in Self-Directed Education instead of attending conventional schools, to create a life and education based on their interests, strengths and goals.

Raritan Learning Cooperative

A community of teenagers engaging in Self-Directed Education instead of attending conventional schools, to create a life and education based on their interests, strengths and goals.

South Jersey Sudbury School

A school for ages 4-19 where students have the dignity of designing their own curriculum, tailored to their goals and aspirations.


Las Vegas Life Learners

Welcome to the Las Vegas Valley’s Unschooling support group! We have weekly park days every Wednesday, board game days every 1st and 3rd Monday and tons of other events through out the months.

New York

Agile Learning Center NYC

An independent school for self-directed learners. The ALC model adapts simple tools for self-organization and intentional culture creation to support young people in engaging with their passions and curiosities.

Cottonwood Community Learning Center

Cottonwood offers a self-directed homeschool cooperative, virtual learning community for tweens/teens, tween/teen group travel and summer camps! Join us!

Deep Root Center for Self- Directed Learning

A facility within the Liberated Learners network with a mission to support young people who are struggling in traditional school for various reasons to rise out of that situation to take charge of their education.

Flying Squad - Brooklyn

An SDE community specifically designed to encourage young people to take back their city and to again be accepted in society as autonomous individuals in a communal space.


Columbus Unschoolers Cooperative

Family-centered group whose members seek to support each other and augment our children’s educational and social enrichment opportunities in a supportive, nurturing, hands-on classroom environment. All classes are non-compulsory.

SPARK Homeschool Co-op

A secular, diverse and inclusive community of homeschooling families that thrive in a self-directed learning environment.


Rivers & Roads ALC

A self-directed alternative to traditional schooling for students in Oklahoma City ages 3-18.

Tulsa Unschooling Co-op

A non-hierarchical learning experience for children 0-125 years old. We work together to create stimulating learning experiences for ourselves and one another. We practice non-aggression and use non-violent communication.


Alder Commons

Alder Commons is a community space where kids and adults alike can attend workshops & classes, and spend their time freely. Our Members are co-workers, makers, artists, and learners of all ages.

Artist at Heart LLC

Artist at Heart is a community-focused organization that provides mentorship and support to self-directed artists and makers through online offerings, community events and a cooperative gallery.

Rogue Valley Unschoolers

A group for families in the Rogue Valley who are currently unschooling or are seriously considering it. We plan events to get together and have fun! Park days, potlucks, bowling, hiking, craft events, game events, book swaps; the sky’s the limit!

Village Free School

A private, independent, non-profit, democratic free school for children ages 5 to 18, in Portland, Oregon. Along with individual freedom, students work together to create their community and shape their daily lives.

Village Home Education Resource Center

An inclusive homeschooling support community with campuses in Beaverton, NE Portland, and Salem, offering a variety of elective classes, activities, and other resources for homeschooling and unschooling families.


Bucks Learning Cooperative

A community for teenagers engaging in Self-Directed Education instead of attending conventional schools, to create a life and education based on their interests, strengths and goals.

Cupola Academy

Cupola Academy is a secular, nonprofit organization that provides a supportive community-base for homeschooling families. CA offers full-day programs for young people(4-18) to attend 2 days a week in a collaborative and resource-rich environment.

Current Education Center

Current Education Center is an in-person program for teens, providing an alternative to middle and high school.

Democracy Days

Democracy Days is an organization committed to democracy with and for children.

Lancaster Secular Homeschoolers

We are a secular-based homeschool group in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania that fits somewhere between structured book learning and unschooling.

Natural Creativity

An education center for students ages 4-17, focusing on developing creativity, compassion, and collaboration among young people and community members.

Open Connections

Open Connections’ mission is to help young people and adults develop the tools and skills needed to create the life they want. Contact us to join our community and participate in our programs for youth ages 4 through 18.

Philly ALC School

Philly ALC School is a supporting environment where young people age 5-18 explore and self-direct their learning through cycles of intention, reflection and inspiration.

Philly Free School

At the Philly Free School, students ages 4-19 explore freely, think critically, and work collaboratively, across ages, to govern themselves and their school.

Talking Stick Learning Center

Self-directed, topic-based programs for homeschoolers held on 55 acres of nature parkland. Talking Stick provides a safe and supportive space that respects the individual and nurtures children’s innate curiosity and desire to learn.

The Circle School

An independent day school for children ages 4-19, founded in 1984 . The Circle School balances freedom and responsibility in a self-directed, democratic community.

Three Rivers Village School

A democratic school serving youth, age 5-19, inspired by Sudbury Valley School, the Circle School, and Albany Free School.

South Carolina

Synergy Collective of the Upstate

Synergy Collective of the Upstate is designed to be a connecting point for families in the Greenville, SC area that align themselves with a self-directed, liberated, autonomous mindset for all people, regardless of age.​

South Dakota


Make-A-Space Coop

A self-directed education coop for registered homeschoolers in Nashville, TN.


Austin Unschoolers

A group created to foster community among unschooling families in Austin. This is a space for sharing information, organizing meet-ups, discussing relevant topics, and supporting one another.

Clearview Sudbury School

A secular, private, Sudbury-model school in Austin, Texas, that provides a healthy, supportive environment in which students from kindergarten through high school take charge of their own education.

Families Learning Freely

A meet-up group for unschooling-compatible families in the Greater Houston area. Our purpose in creating this group is to enrich and expand our lives within a secure community of supportive families.

Makarios Agile Learning Community

Agile learning center serving families with children ages 5-18 by supporting self-directed learning in an environment that balances freedom and responsibility and prepares young people to thrive in today’s complex world.


Salt Lake Unschoolers

A group for unschooling families living in the Salt Lake area. We welcome unschooling discussions, questions, and challenges. We also welcome your invitations to play, and meet other unschoolers!


Embark Center for Self-Directed Education

Embark Center for Self-Directed Education in Leesburg, VA, is a youth-run democratic ‘unschool’ where children and teens create their own personal and community learning experiences in a supportive, mixed-age community of friends, peers, and mentor

Funschooling (Winchester, VA)

A group for homeschooling families to plan events, co-ops, classes, or recreation dates in the Winchester and surrounding areas. We are happy to host questions, discuss and share notes. We honor all types of homeschooling styles.

Mosaic Pathways

We are a community of homeschool learners naturally exploring authenticity through connection and opportunity for discovery of individual strengths, interests, and values in an environment that is flexible, differentiated, and unconventional.

RVA Unschoolers

A group created to foster community among unschooling families in Richmond, VA. This is a space for sharing information, organizing meet-ups, discussing relevant topics, and supporting one another.

Raw Learning

A place for children to come together using their own curiosity as a guide for what they will discover next. Facilitators act as adult mentors to support deeper investigation into the specific interests of each child.



Thickets is a place-based learning community for self-directed young people ages 5 – 8 in Montpelier, Vermont. Each day evolves differently and is created collectively as we explore forests, parks and city.


Mid-Columbia Self-Directed Education Collaborative

MCSDE supports families in empowering children and teens to take the lead in their own education by exploring their interests and the world around them using the vast amount of tools and resources available throughout their community.

Seattle Unschoolers

A group for sharing local Seattle area resources and meeting other local unschoolers.

Self Design Graduate Institute

Self Directed Masters Program with many dedicated faculty experts to choose from and learn with, using video conferencing and low residence locales.

Sky Bear Agile Learning Community

A liberating alternative to school and self-directed education community for youth that honors children’s innate intelligences and ways of learning while engaging in community.

Tacoma Unschoolers

A group designed for the Tacoma area unschooling community. The purpose of this group is to allow for Tacoma area unschoolers who are actively unschooling or genuinely intending to unschool to meet in person and get to know each other!


Milestone Democratic School

Milestone Democratic School is an independent, tuition-free public school in Dane county, working to be a place where learning is engaging, everyone has a voice and all voices are heard and the most important step is the next one.

West Virginia

Better with Thyme

A multi-family permaculture farm, currently seeking families of self-directed learners to join us!


Cheyenne, Wyoming Homeschoolers and Unschoolers

A group for local homeschoolers and unschoolers where we can connect, get to know each other better, share ideas, ask and answer questions, post local events and community activities, plan get-togethers and play groups.

South Africa

Riverstone Village

Self-Directed Learning Community in Johannesburg South Africa, inspired by Sudbury Valley School and “University” of Robben Island. Participatory non-punitive problem-solving rather than JC. Actively tackles human diversity and young people’s Righ


My Reflection Matters Village

A secular, virtual co-learning community for primarily BIPOC families seeking support in raising and educating free people.

NatureGlo's eScience Unschool

NatureGlo’s eScience Unschool is an online eLearning center offering weekly personalized unschool parent and student coaching for struggling homeschoolers wanting to transition to unschooling.

The Hub

The Hub provides an empowering cohort experience for homeschooled tweens and teens (ages 9 to 16+), via an online micro-academy program that is part-time, interdisciplinary, and interest-led.

The Unschool Files

This space is a launch pad for all things related to The Unschool Files Community – a worldwide network of parents, caregivers and facilitators centered on Self-Directed Education and living without school.

Traveling Village

Intentional Community for Traveling Families. 20 families traveling together for 4 months in an experiment in community, lifestyle, and using the world as a classroom.

We Are Worldschoolers

Ultimate worldschoolers online destination, filled with tons of valuable resources, interviews, how-tos, mini courses, articles, reflections and incredible insights, sourced from within our community.

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