
Donate to the Alliance for Self-Directed Education


Your tax-deductible contribution will help us advance the Self-Directed Education movement to the tipping point! Together we can help more families discover SDE as we build communities of support for children’s natural love of learning.  Any amount you can give will make a difference.

NOTE: This page is for donating WITHOUT receiving perks, if you want to Become a Member and receive our perks, sign up here!
(All amounts in US Dollars)
$ /mo
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Donor Information
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I have donated to ASDE before.
I am a member of ASDE.
I have subscribed to the ASDE newsletter email list (past or present).
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NOTE: Login is required if you’re already a monthly donor.
Please enter YOUR name and address (even if they are different from the name and address associated with the credit card being charged).
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Required fields marked with * (asterisk).  We respect your privacy and will never share your information unless required to process donations, communicate with you, or comply with applicable laws.
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Other Ways to Donate:

  • Through Membership   Recommended!
    If you’re not already a member, you can donate as you join the Alliance.
  • With PayPal
    If you can’t use the payment form above, you may be able to donate with PayPal.
  • By Check
    Our address is being updated. Check back later or email us for information about where to mail a check.
Additional Information:
  • ASDE’s US Tax ID:  81-3184568
  • ASDE is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Your contributions to ASDE are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by governing laws. For further details, donors within the US can refer to IRS publications 526 and 1771 and/or their tax advisor. Donors outside of the US may review local laws and regulations for details.
  • Credit card charges, if any, should appear on your card statement as “SELF-DIRECTED.ORG ASDE”. All charges are made in US Dollars. Exchange rates are set by the issuing card company and/or bank.