Donate to the Alliance for Self-Directed Education

Your tax-deductible contribution will help us advance the
NOTE: This page is for donating WITHOUT receiving perks, if you want to Become a Member and receive our perks, sign up here!
Thank you for your interest in becoming a major donor to the Alliance.
To make a donation over $5000, please make a small donation now, and contact us after you have completed this step.
Other Ways to Donate:
- Through Membership Recommended!
If you’re not already a member, you can donate as you join the Alliance. - With PayPal
If you can’t use the payment form above, you may be able to donate with PayPal. - By Check
Our address is being updated. Check back later or email us for information about where to mail a check.
Additional Information:
- ASDE’s US Tax ID: 81-3184568
- ASDE is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Your contributions to ASDE are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by governing laws. For further details, donors within the US can refer to IRS publications 526 and 1771 and/or their tax advisor. Donors outside of the US may review local laws and regulations for details.
- Credit card charges, if any, should appear on your card statement as
“SELF-DIRECTED.ORG ASDE”. All charges are made in US Dollars. Exchange rates are set by the issuing card company and/or bank.