Ways to Give
Every gift helps make ASDE’s work possible

Make a One-Time Donation


Become a Monthly Sustainer

By making a monthly commitment with your donation, you’ll strengthen ASDE’s core mission to make self-directed education accessible for all young people.

Donate Monthly

Organizational Membership

Does your organization or place of work promote or support SDE practice? You can become an organizational member to publicly show your support of ASDE.

Workplace Giving

Workplace giving programs can be offered in a variety of ways. Some of the most popular workplace giving programs include:

  • Employee Matching Gifts
  • Volunteer Support Programs
  • Donations through Payroll Deduction (sometimes pre-tax)
  • Annual Giving Campaigns

Reach out to any company or organization’s HR department to ask if they offer possibilities like these. If they do, please keep “Alliance for Self-Directed Education” (Federal ID # 81-3184568) in mind as a 501(c)3 nonprofit recipient.

Planned Giving

Including ASDE in your will or trust is a meaningful way to help us sustain the strides being made today towards self-directed education being accessible for all young people.

There are a variety of assets such as U.S. Saving Bonds, Gifts of Stocks and Securities and Insurance that you may also wish to gift to support our work at some point in the future.

Please seek specific advice from your tax professional, attorney and/or financial planner to take steps towards directing assets towards ASDE.

If any questions arise during this process, email donations@self-directed.org.