Several self-directed schools / centers / projects have begun publishing youth media recently in the form of online and print newspapers and zines. We caught up with a few of them recently and got permission to republish some excerpts in Tipping Points. The projects all have the common interest of young people voicing their own stories and sharing their creations. The variety of styles of the publications is fantastic to see.
Philly ALC’s Nameless News
The most recent publication is so new that it doesn’t have a name yet, the Philly ALC Nameless Newspaper. So far this fall they have published four issues of their newspaper. Below are a few excerpts from the papers and the full issues can be downloaded here: Issue One, Issue Two, Issue Three, and Issue Four.

The Unschool Files
We previously published issues one and two of The Unschool Files, an international zine publishing the stories and creations of unschoolers. Issue three is out and issue four is already at the printers. Below are a few excerpt from issue three. You can purchase full issues on their website. To be featured in the zine, submit work to

Verde Newspaper
Green School Romania recently started Verde Newspaper, an online newspaper (that also intends to publish print copies in the future). Initially inspired by Brooklyn Apple Academy’s newspaper The Apple Gazette and Green School’s original printed newspaper, Green News, a small group at this self-directed school have been publishing content in both Romanian and English. Topics have spanned sports to Photoshopped faces.

If your self-directed space is publishing its own media and you want to share it with us, please contact us at
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