On Friday, March 29th, 2024 Buehler vs Board of Education heard closing arguments before the judge ordered a cease and desist order of all Vawisai operations in their Austin, Texas headquarters. It was a final blow to the Self-Directed Education program that has struggled to survive since the end of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Using a completely self-directed process, Vawisai would monitor and regulate anything from math to music lessons, lunchtime conversations to tinkertoy usage. It used its twelve-point system of metrics to not only measure just how autonomous your child could be but to also document and certify the regulation of self-directed spaces across America. “We were seeing centers cropping up all over the country using their own metrics to determine just how autonomous the children at their center were. It was anarchy... and we all know just how dangerous that can be!” Buehler told our reporters back in November, “We created Vawisai to measure and judge every degree of your child’s freedom!”
All of this came to a halt on Friday when Judge Horace Mann ruled that Vawisai was a direct threat to the pre-existing monopoly of the public educational system in America, “And so it is ruled,” Mann stated, “that Vawisai must be eradicated for the safety of the autonomous fellow students of America.”
Buehler’s lawyers were not available for comment following the ruling. And while the case will surely be appealed to the Supreme Court later this month, this ruling nonetheless deals a great blow to the Majestic Metric System of Vawisai Autonomy © ® ™.
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