Q&As with Peter Gray on his books published by Tipping Points Press.
When we hurry our children through their days, are we inadvertently asking them to rush through their childhoods?
Jenni Mahnaz
A poem about being uprooted.
Daveed Jacobo
Every hierarchy, every abuse, every act of domination that seeks to justify or excuse itself appeals through analogy to the rule of adults over children. We are all indoctrinated from birth in ways of “because I said so.”
William Gillis
What did the coronavirus crisis teach us about education in the US? That we have all the resources we need when we want them.
Crystal Byrd Farmer
Self-Directed Education enables us to take very different educational pathways with our children which particularly suits those who do not fit the mainstream mould.
Naomi Fisher
Deschooling is so much more than moving into unschooling: it is our opportunity to give each other time and space to take back our freedom, to foster lost relationships, values and connections, and to reimagine what our own life, our community and society at large could look like.
Francesca Liberatore
Sudbury Valley School co-founder apologizes to unschoolers, admits to being Billie Eilish groupie.
April Fuels
We do not schedule conversations into neat little blocks of subjects and time. We let curiosity lead us into debates, discussions, and verbal exchange.
Jeana Jones
Comparing some of adults’ biggest fears about Self-Directed Education with what it looks like in reality, based on 10 years of working in an SDE school.
Elizabeth Lund
How children can take control of their own learning
Naomi Fisher
Voice of the Children
You can lead a horse to water, but can you make her fish?
Alexander Khost
Understand how language and metaphors structures one’s mindset toward learning and discover some SDE alternatives.
Mitra Martin
A chat about the difficulties of various ethnic and cultural experiences existing in SDE and unschooling spaces.
Anthony Galloway Jr, Lora Smothers & Mikala Streeter
A three-part crowdsourced video series of grown unschoolers addressing common myths about unschooling.
Sierra Allen
Using personal experiences in the Peace Corps and in conventional education systems, this is my attempt at connecting the dots between adultism and white saviorism
Rachel Munzig
Growing Up Unschooled
The least amount of control I have ever had
Bria Bloom
How the pandemic is going to transform higher education
Sifaan Zavahir
A chat about the difficulties of various ethnic and cultural experiences existing in SDE and unschooling spaces.
Anthony Galloway Jr, Lora Smothers & Mikala Streeter