Tipping Points
Previous Stories (page 16)

Educational ‘Scaffolding’ and ‘Thinking Outside the Box’

How do these time-honored educational concepts work together in Self-Directed Education?

Why You Should Join the Alliance

Peter Gray tries to avoid using the word “should.” Here’s why he’s making an exception…

Why I’m Glad I Grew Up Playing Neopets

A former homeschooler traces the roots of her successful coding career to a favorite childhood game

Summer of Self-Direction

Our interview with three successful summer camps that support Self-Directed Education

Why are Democratic Schools Growing so Fast in France?

Let’s first start with the good news. It happened so fast that you may not be aware of it, but democratic schools are booming in France.

Does Freedom in Education Work?

The continued relevance of John Holt’s Freedom and Beyond

Unschooling Outside of Institutionalization

An excerpt from the forthcoming book by Katherine Williams

Free From the Start: One Child’s Progressive Path to Educational Freedom

One family’s response to that moment when the “progressive” school they picked just wasn’t working

A Paradigm Shift Brings Freedom and Empowerment

Two conventionally-educated parents begin to question “expert” assumptions about their children’s needs

Nurturing Children’s Natural Love of Learning

The Natural Child Project has been advocating for children and Self-Directed Education for twenty years. Jan Hunt outlines why a self-directed education makes sense and how you can nurture it.

Can’t Stop The Science

Keeping scientific curiosity alive isn’t hard. It’s about an attitude of “yes.”

A Journey from Public Schooling to Self-Directed Education

A Latinx family embraces agile learning and spearheads deeper connection for unschooling families of color in Charlotte.

What Happens to Self-Directed Learners?

Even in the world of alternative education, North Star: Self-Directed Learning for Teens is a hard program to fully grasp. Now in our 21st year, […]

How Pokémon Sealed our Unschooling Fate

A former teacher tosses out the curriculum and frees her child and herself from the structured, planned, adult-knows-all paradigm.

Arm Wrestling with AI

I recently read some news that made me thankful yet again for choosing Self Directed Education (SDE) for my children: An insurance company in Japan […]

How Does it Work?!? Re: Age Mixing

An eight-year-old hands a sheet of music to a waiting six-year-old, and I note that no one complains about their blocking the hallway for Euphonium […]

The Two Tales of Starting One play:ground

A junkyard playground in New York City is empowering young people by giving them space and ownership over their decisions.

From Waldorf to Unschooling

One family’s journey from Waldorf Education to Self-Directed Education.

Navigating Unschooling and Blackness In the American Education System

Fueling confident autonomy and embracing natural learning among children of color

Unschooling: Personalized, Self-Determined Education

How some parents in Canada choose to nurture children’s natural learning journeys

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Books for Sale

Profit from these books goes to support ASDE and Tipping Points Press.

book cover Rigged
by Hazel Smack


The first $8,000 of profits from these books by Peter Gray will be used as advances to publish the writing of Women of Color. Half of all proceeds there after will also be used as advances for Women of Color authors.