Tipping Points
Previous Stories (page 12)

What Are You Up To?

The weekly routine in the wonderful life of an Agile Learning Facilitator.

Change up Change Up

How new perspectives brought about empathy at an Agile Learning Center.

Agile Learning Centers, Liberated Learners, and Sudbury Schools: What’s the Difference?

An exploration of three popular models for supporting self-directed learners.

Schooling’s Assault on Young Anti-Authoritarians

In this excerpt from Resisting Illegitimate Authority, Bruce E. Levine surveys the means by which conventional schooling punishes anti-authoritarian impulses and primes children for conformity.

Self Directed Stories: Unschooling in China

Iris Chen, author of the blog Untigering, shares about her family’s SDE journey, #SelfDirectedStories
El Mundo Donde los Niños Son Personas

¿Controlar o confiar?

Nuestra falta de confianza en los niños genera la necesidad de controlarlos a ellos y lo que aprenden, cómo y cuándo. Rebecka Koritz explica su punto de vista.
Voice of the Children

Role for Initiative

An examination of role playing games as a microcosm of healthy Self-Directed Education environments

The Unschooled Engineer

How a teenager who has been unschooling can begin preparation for academic study of STEM.

John Taylor Gatto In Memoriam for ASDE

John Taylor Gatto (1935–2018) was an award-winning schoolteacher and author whose public embrace of Self-Directed Education in the 1990s shocked many educators and motivated many […]

What Makes a School Successful: Are the Kids Happy?

Young people are happier at Sudbury than the students in conventional schools because of three important aspects of the Sudbury model. Sudbury provides a place of happiness by removing arbitrary stresses, by allowing students autonomy, and by giving space for true socialization.

Just Be In Relationship

Trust and authenticity are central to the practice of Self-Directed Education.
The Self-Directed Bookworm

Give Kids Control

What does it take to raise self-directed learners: kids who wants to do stuff, make stuff, and learn stuff on their own, without coercion?

Not So Clever?

One of the hidden lessons of school is that we can be categorised by our ability, which then affects how we see ourselves and other people. This makes no sense within self-directed education, meaning that learners can retain their trust and joy in their capacity to learn.
El Mundo Donde los Niños Son Personas

¿Cómo elegir la “mejor educación” para tus hijos?

Todos los papás quieren brindar a sus hijos la mejor educación, pero ¿cómo te aseguras de hacer la elección adecuada para ellos?


Luka has had a totally self-directed education. This article discusses the vital foundations of that education, especially the Continuum Concept.

The American School System Is Destroying The Voice Of Young Writers

The strict guidelines of a graded writing system destroys passionate writing in schools.

Update Available: Why Big Tech is in the Business of Education Reform

Contrasting the philosophy and practices of the Agile Learning Center with the motives behind the collaboration of compulsory school systems and the tech industry.
Voice of the Children

An Intersection

Musings on the best possible way to be with one another

Organized Sports Are Not Play

How organized sports have co-opted play and why early organized sports aren’t a great option for kids.

Now I Need Two Theories

How I learned that my kids are different

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Books for Sale

Profit from these books goes to support ASDE and Tipping Points Press.

book cover Rigged
by Hazel Smack


The first $8,000 of profits from these books by Peter Gray will be used as advances to publish the writing of Women of Color. Half of all proceeds there after will also be used as advances for Women of Color authors.