El Mundo Donde los Niños Son Personas
El desafío mayor viene de la programación que traen los padres y madres acerca de la educación, la enseñanza versus el aprendizaje y la tóxica presión de la sociedad acerca de lo que necesita un niño para ser exitoso y cómo se supone que debe verse el éxito.
Rebecka Koritz
De la transición hacia la autonomía. Aprendizaje auto-dirigido.
Rubén Darío Alvarado
When we mandate what children learn, we do not know what they might have learned, discovered, or experienced on their own. Are we needlessly smothering knowledge?
Chantal Saucier
Some self-directed learners are turning to casino gambling to discover logic and mathematics
April Fuels
The Editor-in-Chief of Tipping Points recounts his involvement in SDE
Bria Bloom
Recently, Houston Sudbury School was included in a video on unschooling for reason.com. See how the school came to that decision, working through differences of opinion regarding participation.
Cara DeBusk
Voice of the Children
On Friday several self-directed learning centers in New York City joined thousands of other young people worldwide as they walked out of school on climate strike
Alexander Khost
The journey of three children and one parent into Self-Directed Education
Laura Rhodes
El Mundo Donde los Niños Son Personas
Muchas son las personas que confunden libertad con libertinaje. En este artículo Rebecka Koritz explica las diferencias.
Rebecka Koritz
Ms. Frizzle and the future of education
Cassidy Younghans
Discussing the etymology of the word, “education,” arguing that it is problematic, and suggesting a different word as the foundation for a philosophy of learning.
Matthew Gioia
Voice of the Children
A transcript of the panelists at the Heartwood ALC Liberation & Education Summit 2019.
Alexander Khost
Respect has the consensus of being important, so why are adults yanking it away from our children? Follow me, an unschooler with strong opinions, as I use a short audio series to deconstruct the concept of respect, replacing conventional ideas with a more unschooled perspective.
Marley Richards
El Mundo Donde los Niños Son Personas
Nos hemos alejado tanto de la naturaleza, que no logramos ver la perfección en cada niño. Tan alejados estamos de poder reconocer su innata sabiduría.
Rebecka Koritz
Respect has the consensus of being important, so why are adults yanking it away from our children? Follow me, an unschooler with strong opinions, as I use a short audio series to deconstruct the concept of respect, replacing conventional ideas with a more unschooled perspective.
Marley Richards
“I just want to know the rule. Can we play the guitar in the common room or not?”
Kenneth Danford
Have non-White families even considered this fascinating new way of educating?
Dr. Kelly Limes-Taylor Henderson
One family’s journey of going through various methods of education, including from one method of Self-Directed Education to another.
R.L. Saunders
It all starts with Trust.
David O'Connor
Most children’s books reinforce the hidden curriculum of compulsory schooling. Back Home by Michelle Magorian is an exception, with the heroine Rusty ending up at an early democratic school which is presented as a common sense and humane approach to education.
Naomi Fisher