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SDE-aligned schools satisfy the legal requirements of compulsory schooling laws while giving students as much freedom as possible to direct their own education.

ALC Mosaic

An independent “K-12 school” for self-directed learners and a half-day “pre-K” for ages 2-4 — an Agile Learning Community that uses agile tools for self-organization and intentional culture creation.

Agile Learning Center NYC

An independent school for self-directed learners. The ALC model adapts simple tools for self-organization and intentional culture creation to support young people in engaging with their passions and curiosities.

Alpha II Alternative School

A TDSB grade 7-12 school where students take responsibility for their own learning, participate and lead in the school community and are accountable to themselves, their family, and the community for what they do.

Alpine Valley School

A Sudbury-model school founded in 1997 that provides students with the freedom and responsibility to take charge of their time and education, at their own pace, focused around their interests. Serving students age 5-18 in the Denver Metro area.

Anna Julia Cooper Learning & Liberation Center

The AJC L&LC is no longer in operation, but this entry will be retained as an historical record and inspiration. A cooperative, learner-centered, and self-directed community, rooted in a radical Black queer feminist politic.

Arts & Ideas Sudbury School

A democratic school for ages 5-18, with core principles of trust, autonomy, justice, and learning through play.

Berkshire Freedom Academy

Berkshire Freedom Academy is the Berkshires first self-directed education center and community hub for all branches of the homeschooling umbrella but with a focus on self-direction.

Blue Bridge School

Blue Bridge is an independent, Agile Learning Center located in Grand Rapids, MI. We provide Self-Directed Education in an environment that values liberation, social responsibility, and community.


Re-Design ngo Resource Center for Holistic Education

Camino, Self-Directed Education

Camino is an educational space where we can put another look at childhood into practice, the education we want to give and receive, and where we can bet on another way of living. The space is open to families at any time and with a coworking area.

Casa da Árvore

A sudbury-inspired learning community made up of a team of adults and a group of children and teenagers from 4 to 18 years old, meeting Monday-Friday from 1:30-5:30 to collectively build a safe space for the free realization of each one’s potential.

Center for Democratic Learning

A place for free, natural, self-initiated learning, within a full democracy that respects the dignity, rights and freedoms of the individual. Founded 2014.

Champ Libre

A sudbury-inspired democratic school for people ages 4-19.

Clearview Sudbury School

A secular, private, Sudbury-model school in Austin, Texas, that provides a healthy, supportive environment in which students from kindergarten through high school take charge of their own education.

Crecer Verde ALC

Primer Centros de Aprendizaje Ágil en Quintana Roo; Otorgamos el 100% de la responsabilidad a quien aprende, a través una educación auto-dirigida.

De Chenille à Papillon

A democratic school for people 3-18 years old, welcoming community members of all ages in the heart of South Vienna.

Demokratische Schule FLeKs

A democratic free school for grades 1-10, where grassroots democratic principles are realized in all aspects of everyday school life.

Diablo Valley School

A Sudbury model school in Contra Costa County serving students ages 5-19 since 1997.

Donum Felix

Demokratická a svobodná škola, jejímiž hlavními východisky jsou důvěra k vnitřnímu směřování dítěte a důraz na učení založeném na vnitřní motivaci.

Eco-Escuela Tikapata

A free school in the Sacred Valley of the Incas. For students aged 4-18, founded in 2008. Where we recognize, value and respect the diversity of students by giving them the freedom, responsibility, trust and love to direct their own learning.

Ecole Agile 66

Bilingual and Democratic School of the Eastern Pyrénées, for ages 4-19.

Ecole Créactive

A sudbury-inspired democratic school for ages 3-18, founded in 2016.

Ecole Démocratique de l'Orneau

L’école accueille des enfants de 3 à 18 ans avec une pédagogie basée sur la confiance et l’autonomie, les auto-apprentissages et la gestion démocratique.

Ecole Nikola Tesla

The first Sudbury model democratic school in Lyon, with fulfillment and happiness at the heart of its pedagogy.

Ecole Pétillante

Une école démocratique à 15 minutes de Montpellier pour les 3 à 19 ans. Ouverte depuis Octobre 2017.

Educambiando ALC

Un espacio donde niños, jóvenes y adultos aprenden a ejercer su libertad, cultivando sí las habilidades para el éxito y la creación intencional de una cultura ágil en México.

Entre Deux Merveilles

Ecole démocratique de type Sudbury travaillant aussi en CNV et sur les systèmes restauratifs.

Fairhaven School

A Sudbury model school serving students age 5-18. Founded in 1998 and located in a rural setting.

Florida Unschoolers

A tuition-free, private umbrella school (a legal entity, not a physical or virtual school) that provides a means for nearly 14,000 Florida unschoolers and homeschoolers to comply with the state’s compulsory attendance law.

Flow ALC

Italy’s first ALC, a self-directed learning community for ages 6-14.

Freedom Academy

Freedom Academy is a place where learning happens — intentionally, creatively, collaboratively, spontaneously, and without bounds.

Freedomschoolers Academy

FSA is a private umbrella school for Florida home educators seeking freedom from the county-run home education program (HEP).

Freie Schule Gleichen

A democratic free school for grades 1-10, with the guiding principles of inclusion, democracy, human rights and sustainability.


Centro de Aprendizaje Ágil. Colectivo de familias por la educación autodirigida. Asesoramiento a las familias y servicio personalizado.

Gastonia Freedom School

A pre-K to 8 private school and homeschool resource center for self-directed children with disabilities.

Glacier Lake School

A self-directed, democratic school where children are trusted to take full control of their own lives and learning. Based on democratic/free school models from around the world, including Sudbury Valley School and Summerhill.

Heartwood Agile Learning Center

A K-12 independent school that facilitates Self-Directed Education with a mission to artfully enable students to pursue their curiosities and develop meaningful connections between one another, the facilitators and the community.

Hudson Valley Sudbury School

An alternative, private school for students ages 5 to 18, based on the educational philosophy first developed by the Sudbury Valley School.


Sudbury-inspired democratic school for people 3-19 years old. Has a Montessori environment set up, but no one is obligated to use it.

Iyari ALC

Agile learning center in Tlajomulco de Zúñiga.

Jersey Shore Free School

A private, nonprofit, nontraditional K-12 democratic community school based on the Sudbury model.

Jerusalem Sudbury School

A Sudbury school founded in 2002, operating on the basis of an educational model underpinning the recognition that significant learning occurs from self-motivation, wherever and in any form.

Kaleidoscope ALC

An independent K-12 school for self-directed learners, launching in January 2020 in the Groton/New London area.


A democratic free school founded in 1987, where 150 children between the ages of 6 and 18 come to learn whatever, wherever, however, whenever and with whomever they want – all of the time.

Kinder Republic

Sri Lanka’s first and only Democratic School, providing children the freedom to direct their education since 2021.

L'Ecole des 2 mains

A project to create a democratic school based on the principles of Unschooling and Sudbury Valley.


L’Envolée est une école démocratique qui peut accueillir 16 jeunes de 3 à 19 ans.

L'atelier des possibles

A sudbury-inspired democratic school for ages 5-19, built around the values of sociocracy and decision-making with consent.

L'école Yvonne Guégan

Une école démocratique au sein d’un espace où cohabitent des ateliers d’artistes, des expositions et le musée atelier de l’artiste caennaise Yvonne Guégan.


Libre Aprendiz ALC es un Centro de Aprendizaje para preescolar, primaria y secundaria, inspirado en el método Scout y en el enfoque Ágil, que promueve el aprendizaje activo, la autonomía, el contacto con la naturaleza

La Fabrique Démocratique

A sudbury-inspired democratic school/community learning center/makerspace/coworking space/greenhouse in Boulogne-Billancourt.

Le Point d'O

A sudbury-inspired democratic school accepting students from 3 to 20 years old, Point d’O first appears as a “place of life” before being a school.

Les Entrelacs

A democratic school in Marseille, for young people 3-19 years old.

Les Hêtres

École démocratique portée par les valeurs de liberté, de bienveillance et d’ouverture, accueillant des élèves de 3 à 19 ans.

Lupine Learning Community

A community for self-directed learners ages 12-18 committed to the belief that kids are human beings with a natural desire to learn, given the time, space, and tools they need.

L’École Pleine Nature

L’École Pleine Nature est une école démocratique qui défend des valeurs de bienveillance, respect de soi, des autres et de l’environnement, pour contribuer à construire ensemble un monde meilleur.

L’écolieu Terr’Azïl

L’écolieu Terr’Azïl est un projet novateur, à la fois lieu de vie coopératif, terrain d’expérimentation agricole, et centre d’accueil pédagogique, pour ré-apprendre à grandir ensemble, dans le respect des rythmes du vivant.

Makarios Agile Learning Community

Agile learning center serving families with children ages 5-18 by supporting self-directed learning in an environment that balances freedom and responsibility and prepares young people to thrive in today’s complex world.

Milestone Democratic School

Milestone Democratic School is an independent, tuition-free public school in Dane county, working to be a place where learning is engaging, everyone has a voice and all voices are heard and the most important step is the next one.


A sudbury-inspired democratic school for people ages 4-20.

Oasis Agile Learning Center

Community specifically for learners ages 12+ to collaborate within intentional culture and self directed paths with ALC tools and facilitators. Our focus is strongly on emotional agility and community involvement.

Okinawa Sudbury School

Education that trusts children’s ability to respect and choose their lives. Full time, 5-18 years old.


A summer camp, school start-up, and training center for SDE parents & facilitators, centered around the eight pillars of connection, trust, self-management, play, democracy, agility, inclusiveness and holism. Locations in Ghent and Mortsel.


Ecole démocratique de 3 à 18 ans (et plus) inspirée par la Sudbury Valley School, l’école du 3ème type de Bernard Collot, et John Dewey.

Philly ALC School

Philly ALC School is a supporting environment where young people age 5-18 explore and self-direct their learning through cycles of intention, reflection and inspiration.

Philly Free School

At the Philly Free School, students ages 4-19 explore freely, think critically, and work collaboratively, across ages, to govern themselves and their school.

Rivers & Roads ALC

A self-directed alternative to traditional schooling for students in Oklahoma City ages 3-18.

Riverstone Village

Self-Directed Learning Community in Johannesburg South Africa, inspired by Sudbury Valley School and “University” of Robben Island. Participatory non-punitive problem-solving rather than JC. Actively tackles human diversity and young people’s Righ

Rock Tree Sky

A K-12 learning community where youth have the freedom and responsibility to direct their education with the support of caring adults, in a dynamic open-walled environment.

Saint Louis Sudbury School

Missouri’s first Sudbury-model school, offering fully Self-Directed Education in a democratic learning community for students age 5-18.

School of Joy

an Agile Learning Center in Cluj-Napoca, practicing and promoting free learning.

Self Directed Academy

Modeled after Sudbury Valley School and inspired by the work of Maria Montessori, Self Directed Academy is an environment where students dig deep into their development and practice the art of making choices and living collaboratively with others.

Shinden Sudbury School


Skola Phoenix

A prospective democratic school for people ages 3-18+, offering a place of learning that is both a refuge and a place of discovery, based on the values of freedom, equity, and respect for the person.

Sligo Sudbury School

A place where young people aged 5-18 can learn through play and experience at their own pace, in their own time and in their own way.

Slobodna skola-Drustvo za pormicanje demokratskog obrazovanja

A non-profit organization of teachers, education professionals, parents and children. The aim is to promote democratic education in Croatia and to work on starting up a democratic school. Seeking assistance from an established democratic school.

South Jersey Sudbury School

A school for ages 4-19 where students have the dignity of designing their own curriculum, tailored to their goals and aspirations.

Spark ALC

A community of self-directed learners freely creating, playing, collaborating, exploring, sharing, and discovering the world.

Sudbury School Amersfoort

A Sudbury model school that was founded in 2014. Staff have a long history of experience with Self-Directed Education since 2003.

Sudbury School Ammersee

Please help this school reopen – they have been fighting their case against the Bavarian government for 3 years, having been shut down on the grounds that not enough learning was happening!

Sudbury School Ghent

Op Sudbury School Ghent kunnen leerlingen van 4 tot 18 vrij met elkaar in interactie gaan. Leerlingen leren, spelen en werken volgens hun eigen interesses. Elke leerling en elk staflid heeft 1 stem in de wekelijkse schoolmeeting.

Sudbury Valley School

A democratic school for students, ages 4-19, founded in 1968 on the principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Sunset Sudbury School

A non-profit, K-12 school located in Ft Lauderdale, FL. We offer self-directed learning in a supportive community environment.


A Democratic Free School in Berlin. Ages 5-17, only accepts new students up to the age of 11 unless they transfer from other free schools.

Tallgrass Sudbury School

Based on freedom, trust, and respect, Tallgrass welcomes students (age 4-18) from throughout the Chicago area.

Terre d'Éveil

Sudbury-inspired Madet Valley School, for all children and young people who want to grow up in freedom.

The Boulder Sudbury School

Provides an environment that supports freedom of expression for children and teens (age 4-19) and continuous learning through curiosity, play, and social interaction.

The Children's Community

We are a mixed-age, self-directed education community practicing autonomy, consent, and connection. Young people ages 5-18 unschooling together on a farm and in the forest.

The Circle School

An independent day school for children ages 4-19, founded in 1984 . The Circle School balances freedom and responsibility in a self-directed, democratic community.

The Miami Sudbury School

A democratic K-12 school that empowers children through ​freedom & responsibility for truly innovative experiential learning and personal growth.

The Open School

The only school in Orange County where kids (age 5-18) learn through real life and real democracy. Freedom and responsibility are the curriculum. Students learn by playing, conversing, and pursuing their passions.

Three Rivers Village School

A democratic school serving youth, age 5-19, inspired by Sudbury Valley School, the Circle School, and Albany Free School.

Village Free School

A private, independent, non-profit, democratic free school for children ages 5 to 18, in Portland, Oregon. Along with individual freedom, students work together to create their community and shape their daily lives.

West Cork Sudbury School

WCSS is a democratic school for self directed learning, based on the Sudbury model. Open since Sept 2020.

Wicklow Sudbury School

Ireland’s first democratic school for self-directed learning. Students are free to play and fully immerse themselves in whatever passions and interests engage them.

Wild Learning

Wild Learning is a democratic self-directed learning space and school that focuses on nature, art, and community where young people can create a culture based on care, choice, and creativity.

makED - Make Education

A sociocratic learning environment/school where we facilitate intrinsic motivation, as well as friendship, fun and fulfillment. is a democratic, micro school using downtown Springfield, MO as its classroom.

À Mon Rythme

A democratic school for young people ages 3-18. Support for students is provided voluntarily by parents.

École Démocratique de Corse

Une école de la liberté et de la confiance: ancrée dans son territoire, sans classe d’âge et pour tous, de 4 à 19 ans.

École Démocratique de Paris

A democratic school with a horizontal and human structure, freed from programs and school rhythms, in favor of autonomous learning: a place of fulfillment in which individual experience and living together are privileged.

École NovAgora

École-collège-lycée démocratique d’inspiration Sudbury, à Strasbourg. Inscriptions possibles tout au long de l’année, pour des jeunes de 6 à 20 ans.

École Rhizomes

École démocratique en Centre Alsace, basée sur les mêmes principes que la Sudbury Valley School. Elle accueille les enfants de 6 à 19 ans.

Škola CoLibri

A Summerhill and Sudbury-inspired school for grades 1-9, rooted in freedom, trust, responsibility and respect.

Škola Erazim

A democratic free school for ages 6-15, valuing Self-Directed Education, confidence, responsibility and autonomy.

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