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Online SDE Groups
Support groups that are not place-based, but principally meet online.
Facebook page for unschoolers and life learners in Calcutta. Also a WhatsApp group you can ping the number to be added to.
Deschooling Issa Thing Global Meetup
A global, monthly, virtual meetup for parents/guardians to focus on liberatory approaches that center healing and learning as a lifestyle and explore the impact and intersection of parenting, education, and race.
Deschooling Our Parenting
Join us for a monthly discussion group asking questions around deschooling our parenting.
Deschooling Ourselves
Deschooling Ourselves is a community that helps people recognize and escape the assumptions of modern schooling.
Deschooling and Unschooling Support
A group for monthly Q & A about anything related to deschooling and unschooling.
Freeschoolin' Community
A safe and inclusive community of Freeschoolers, Peaceful Parenting Passion-led Learners, Worldschoolers and Radical/Wholelife Unschoolers.
Freilernen in der Praxis
In dieser Gruppe können Fragen zum Freilernen in der Praxis diskutiert werden.
Grown Unschooler Opportunity Network
A network for grown unschoolers (ages 18 to 20-something) to find new work, volunteering, travel, and other exciting opportunities.
Home and Unschoolers in Spain
Homeschooling / Unschooling Diversity
This is a healing space centering those of us that have been “Othered” due to racial, ethnic, (dis)ability, gender, class, age and/or sexual identity. It is a space for us “Othered” to feel safe, find resources & be heard.
Irish Unschoolers
A Facebook group specifically for Unschooling in Ireland.
Not Exactly Florida Unschoolers
A Facebook group for Florida parents seeking alternatives to independent homeschooling and unschooling; a resource for parents interested in finding or creating SDE communities (co-ops, learning centers, schools, etc.) in Florida.
Peaceful Parenting/Unschooling Support
A safe, respectful place we can discuss Peaceful Parenting/Unschooling/Radical Unschooling topics, ask related questions and post about our journeys.
Project-Based Homeschooling
This website offers guidance on how to mentor self-directed learners using the approach of Project-Based Homeschooling – a way to combines a child’s genuine interests with long-term, deep, complex learning.
Radical Unschooling Nederland
Nederlandse radical unschoolingsgroep die nog een stap verder gaat dan gewoon unschoolen, namelijk je kinderen ook vrij laten in schermtijd, eten, slapen, etc. In feite maken je kinderen alle keuzes zelf, net als volwassenen, voor zover dat mogelijk.
Radical Unschooling de PR (Aprendiendo Naturalmente)
Información e inspiración sobre educación no tradicional y disruptiva; unschooling, natural learning, self centered education, y otras variantes.
Radical Unschooling en Español
Apoyo con información y experiencias de vida sobre el Radical Unschooling en español.
Rhode Island Unschoolers
This group was established as a forum for RI Unschoolers (and those nearby) to share their questions, comments, and support in their unschooling journey.
Self-Directed Education Facilitators Discord Server
Our community is a place to share, collaborate, and discuss your work with other SDE facilitators.
UK Unschooling Network
This group is only for parents/guardians who are interested in unschooling whilst home educating. You must either be unschooling already or intending to do so.
Unschooling / Oskolning Sverige
Facebook group in Swedish discussing the topic of self-direction and unschooling. The group is open for active unschoolers, those interested in starting, and others curious about the topic.
Unschooling Every Family: Embracing Neurodivergent and Disabled Learners
We’re here to help you learn about unschooling, get support in switching to unschooling, or share your experience unschooling your neurodivergent and/or disabled child.
Unschooling In Peace
Here is a safe place to ask questions and to share ideas, post projects and coordinate groups for outings. Unschooling and natural learning is our focus. Child directed learning and team focused family structures.
Unschooling Info Australia
A discussion group for Australian parents who are unschooling, or are considering unschooling their kids. We will discuss unschooling philosophy and how to become better unschooling parents as we help each other with the deschooling process.
Unschooling México
Hola colegas y amigos apasionados/interesados por/en la desescolarización radical. Es juntos como aprendemos. Por eso un grupo en el que todos podamos compartir.
Ventura County Unschoolers
A group for unschooling families residing in Ventura County and the cities in the adjacent Conejo Valley.
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