All Categories — Advocacy & Support
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Advocacy Organizations
Regional, national, and international organizations that advance the SDE movement (or related causes) through direct advocacy work and/or by supporting individual advocates and local organizers.
AERO’s mission is to help create an education revolution to make learner-centered education available to everyone.
Democratic Education Ireland
Democratic Education Ireland (DEI) is a national partnership, providing resources, support and advocacy to democratic schools across Ireland.
Divergent Labs
We are creating autistic spaces that make it possible for the genius, integrity, concern for details, and specialized focus that are the trademarks of the autistic mind to be expressed to and to create value.
East Bay Self-Directed Education
This groups serves the collective California East Bay to increase awareness of Self-Directed Education for local area families. Interested educators, administrators, policy makers and change […]
Eclectic, Secular, Progressive Homeschoolers of Middle Tennessee
Formed in 1990, our group mission is to support and encourage home-educating families that openly embrace diversity. Always feel free to share relevant information or ask questions.
Florida Unschoolers
A tuition-free, private umbrella school (a legal entity, not a physical or virtual school) that provides a means for nearly 14,000 Florida unschoolers and homeschoolers to comply with the state’s compulsory attendance law.
Flying Squads Network
The support network of Flying Squads, a program specifically designed to encourage young people to take back their city and to again be accepted in society as autonomous individuals in a communal space.
Freechild Institute for Youth & Social Change
Promotes youth + social change, especially among traditionally disconnected young people. We learn, share, grow and support youth + social change through projects, training and research around the world. Also offers anti-adultism resources.
Frilæring: Foreningen for Danske Hjemmeundervisere
Foreningen Fri Læring er dannet af en gruppe hjemmeundervisere for at skabe et nationalt netværk, der har mulighed for at formidle arrangementer, fælles udflugter og aktiviteter etc.
Frit Læringsliv i Danmark.
Interesseorganisation for registrerede hjemmeundervisere i Danmark og interesserede. Vi advokerer og understøtter også SDE.
Geniī: A 5 Pillar Genius Community
Network of micro K-12 Self Directed Learning communities. DEcentralized Learning, rooted in DEcolonized Parenting and perpetuated by DEschooling. Offers online support network for unschoolers, including mentors, workshops, meetups & more.
Home Education UK
A website that provides support and campaigns for parents and children’s right to home educate without interference. HE UK was originally set up in 2000 and now has over 150 pages of information. HE UK also runs forums and mailing lists.
Community learning resource network, built to support Self-Directed Education on the island of Martha’s Vineyard.
National Youth Rights Association
The National Youth Rights Association is dedicated to defending the freedom, equality, and rights of all young people by challenging age discrimination and prejudice.
Nevada Middle/High Homeschool Support
A support group to help and encourage others to homeschool through middle school and high school! The group consists of graduates from the homeschool community, parents, and teens currently homeschooling in middle school and high school.
Project DEFY
We believe that education must be brought back into the hands of the people, and therefore we envision a self-designed education for all, which is accessible, equitable and localised.
RE:Frame Youth Arts Center
We are using the arts to RE:Frame spaces and conversations that invisibilize youth from participating in policy and programming creation that directly affects their lives.
School Without Frontiers
An open movement which supports democratic, nomadic and agile education by removing partitions in all spheres of learning.
The Peoples’ Institute for Re-thinking Education and Development
Slobodna skola-Drustvo za pormicanje demokratskog obrazovanja
A non-profit organization of teachers, education professionals, parents and children. The aim is to promote democratic education in Croatia and to work on starting up a democratic school. Seeking assistance from an established democratic school.
Sudbury International
Meet Sudbury International: A Global Network of Sudbury Schools The time has come to redefine school. Come learn more about the innovative, time-tested, self-governing Sudbury model for students ages 4-18.
Swashikshan - Indian Association of Homeschoolers
A non-profit initiative of homeschooling children, parents, guardians and friends.
Tracy Brooker, Educational Consultant
Arizona’s resource to self-directed education offering resources, coaching, and community think tanks.
Unschooling Canada Association
A non-profit association aiming to provide support, information and advocacy to unschooling and self-directed learning across North America via Facebook and our website, providing an annual conference and monthly live webinars to members.
Utah Self-Directed Education Advocacy Group
We are increasing awareness of self-directed education in Utah, and support teams that want to start schools, centers, and co-ops that follow a self-directed model.
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