What If Schools Were Different?
A mini zine by Hannah Mack (they/them) of mad question askin’ (inspired by Akilah S. Richards @fareofthefreechild) for collective reimagining of the purpose and function of schools in society.
Download this zine at the attached website.
Here you will also find graphical instructions on how to fold the zine.
Feel free to download, print, and share this with anyone!
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“Schools have so much POWER and POSSIBILITY!
Where else in society do families from all across neighborhoods come together around the common purpose of educating, caring for, and supporting our children?
Where else do we have such possibility for immediate local community building across backgrounds, cultures, experiences, and languages?
Here we are, forced by law even, coming together with the stated goal of raising the next generation. What if instead of reproducing the harmful status quo, we leaned into new possibilities instead?
What if the purpose of school was to honor and support the reality that young people are living full, whole, meaningful lives right now?
What if schools were community building hubs, where children and grown ups alike were supported in growing meaningful, trusting, respectful relationships with the people living closest to them?
What if schools helped connect people to the truth of the world around them, understanding history as a way to understand the present?...”
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