Updated 2025-03-06

Traveling Village

Intentional Community for Traveling Families. 20 families traveling together for 4 months in an experiment in community, lifestyle, and using the world as a classroom.
Nikolaj Astrup & Michelle Rødgaard-Jessen founder
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Before having kids, we were traveling as very typical digital nomads. We wanted to have a lifestyle with a lot of traveling with kids, but we also quickly realized that it does take a village to raise kids.

After having kids, we have grown increasingly interested in the way we structure life, where all families live in small silos without being part of a community living nearby. When we did our first 6-month trip with 2 kids, we realized that traveling and living abroad with kids is amazing, but it also required a lot from us. Especially the social element and stability are things that we missed.

This is an idea that started forming in 2017 when we were expecting our first child. In 2024 the first Traveling Village happened after one year of working on the logistics. We now hope we can use this concept and idea, to keep experimenting with lifestyle, challenging ourselves, and learning more about living differently with kids.

We have two kids, who are both home full-time (no school or daycare), and a big part of this project is to experiment with a different way of bringing up kids and to let them learn through exploring and to give them a lot of free play. With TV we hope to create an environment with a lot of space for self-directed learning, where learning about different cultures is built and where we both kids and adults get comfortable with being in a community.

SDE Optimizing Conditions

ASDE surveys all SDE communities/programs about how they provide, enhance, or align with each of the Six Optimizing Conditions for young people to succeed in SDE.  Survey answers:
[Survey not yet completed for this resource.]

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