Updated 2024-01-12

Piedmont Forest School

We have Nature-based programs for ages 15 months to 14 years, with our largest program being Forest Kindergarten for ages 30 mos to 6 years. Children engage in unstructured free play in the woods. We are likely expanding soon to include indoors.
Sheri H Grace, PhD founder
click to see email
(+1) 3367051763
Salem Lake Rd
Winston-Salem, NC  27101
United States

SDE Optimizing Conditions

ASDE surveys all SDE communities/programs about how they provide, enhance, or align with each of the Six Optimizing Conditions for young people to succeed in SDE.  Survey answers:
  1. Responsibility – Participants are free to play and explore in Nature without limits.
  2. Youth Autonomy – Adults are present and act as resources.
  3. Access to Tools and Technology – Children can use tools, technology, and utensils.
  4. Adult Allies – There is no grading, testing, or imposed curriculum.
  5. Free Age Mixing – Children interact with others of varying ages.
  6. Community – Children are empowered to resolve conflict and speak up for themselves,

If any information about this resource is out of date, please let us know.