Updated 2019-10-22

Latitude Learning Resources

A NH based homeschool learning center, Latitude’s focus is enrichment classes and community activities that support the needs, interests, and abilities of our students in single interest or cross-curricular areas.
Shaorn Osborne director
click to see email
2013 Elm Street
Manchester, NH  30104
United States
South Central NH: Manchester, New Hampshire


At Latitude Learning, our curated schedule and excellent instructors do not follow the recitation of facts modality for teaching.  In fact, prior to instructing at Latitude, they must agree to our standards of excellence which include the following beliefs:

    – All children are unique;

    – All children have individual learning styles that are valid;

    – Work asked of children should be valuable to the process of learning.

Students can take one class or a day’s worth, depending entirely on their interests and passions.  Recent classes have included Historical Dungeons & Dragons, Survival, Lego Engineering, Art/Science Mash-ups, Games, Math Through the Visual Arts, Chemistry, Spanish, Theatre, Programming, Robotics, and so much more. Parents are invited to stay at our facility, participate in parent support groups and activities, or they can drop off their children.Â

We strive to make our center a welcoming place for all. Students who do not have classes at certain times have the freedom to interact with others, and we encourage community engagement and events so that meaningful connections are made.

SDE Optimizing Conditions

ASDE surveys all SDE communities/programs about how they provide, enhance, or align with each of the Six Optimizing Conditions for young people to succeed in SDE.  Survey answers:
  1. Responsibility – Families and students select classes based on interest area.
  2. Youth Autonomy – Our students sign up for individual classes out of desire. Our teachers shape the classes around the interests, abilities, and needs of the students.
  3. Access to Tools and Technology – Each class is different, but many are hands-on or offer exploratory pursuits.
  4. Adult Allies – Our classes are not graded, but teachers prepare reports on the materials and activities for students. In addition to our caring teachers, our staff of parents want our center to be a place of positive interaction for all.
  5. Free Age Mixing – As our center is for ages 6-18, classes are divided by recommended age ranges with the caveat that families must determine where children best fit as each child has different needs.
  6. Community – Our policies are intended to be a reflection of our center and we welcome feedback and ideas from all of our students to improve.

If any information about this resource is out of date, please let us know.