Updated 2024-06-28

Facilitation Support 2025

FACILITATION SUPPORT is a 6-month group coaching opportunity for SDE facilitators wanting solid confidence in your role and facilitation, as well as building trusting and authentic relationships with kids and parents.
Becka Koritz facilitator
All Events
Jan 13, 2025, 3:00pm — Jun 23, 2025, 5:00pm PST
click to see email


Do you want to expand your skills in working with youth?
Chances are you’re working in an SDE-center or microschool.
You might be a driven self-starter that has opened up your own center/community.

It’s possible that you’re transitioning from conventional teaching to facilitation in an SDE space.

In our experience there are a lot of dedicated people that do amazing work with kids but that are longing for more confidence in their role as facilitators.

We know what it’s like!

We have experienced this reality ourselves. We know how inspiring and daunting it can be working with kids in radically new ways. Supporting them (and their parents!) on their self-directed journey can be challenging to say the least.

The vision is clear – but how do you make it happen?

This is why we decided to put together a Support Program specifically designed for SDE facilitators that want to deepen their facilitation skills.

We help you unlock your own potential so you can support kids to do the same!

Check our website for more!

If any information about this resource is out of date, please let us know.