Deschooling: Moving Through and Beyond Our Schoolishness
Deschooling: Moving Through and Beyond Our Schoolishness, is a mini zine by Hannah Mack (they/them) of quotes and prompts for inspiration, reflection, and healing in our deschooling journeys.
Download this zine at the attached website.
Here you will also find graphical instructions on how to fold the zine.
Feel free to download, print, and share this with anyone!
Text preview:
“”Our family defines unschooling as a child-trusting, anti-oppression, liberatory, love-centered approach to parenting and caregiving. We operate with a core belief that children own themselves and that parents and other adults work with children to nurture their confident autonomy not their ability to obey adult directives.”
Akilah S. Richards
Reflection Prompts:
What does unschooling mean to you?
What kind of relationship are you trying to co-create with the young people in your life?
How is this intentional different from and similar to your own upbringing?
What healing and care does your inner child need to make your intentions more possible?...”
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