Updated 2024-07-06

Deeply Deschooling Group Coaching Program

DEEPLY DESCHOOLING is a 4 month group coaching opportunity for committed parents who are seeking to deeply transform the ways they relate to and support their kids learning, autonomy and agency.
Becka Koritz facilitator
All Events
Oct 5, 2024, 10:00am — Jan 11, 2025, 12:00pm CST
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Do you want to support your kids’ learning, autonomy and agency?

Get the tools to:

– Replace coersion with consent and foster a learning environment where your kids can thrive.

– Develop ways of communicating with your kids that lead to more authenticity, connection and ease in the family.

– Co-create a family culture based on equity and empowerment for all.

If you want to gain more clarity in your unschooling life, feel more confidence in your parenting, and develop more trust in your relationship with your kids, we’ve got the program for you!

During eight live online coaching sessions you can gain more clarity in your unschooling life, feel more confidence in your parenting, and develop more trust in your relationship with your kids by learning how to:

Co-create a consent-based learning culture with your kid(s).

Understand where you are in your deschooling path and identify your path towards liberation.

Get grounded in your role as an unschooling parent.

Identify and learn strategies to let go of control and power over your kid(s).

Develop more collaborative, equitable relationships with your kid(s) and family.

Develop more trust in your kid(s) and your deschooling journey.

Release fears of screwing up your kids’ future.

Shed anxiety about hanging out with friends & family that hold different beliefs & approaches.

Check our website for more!

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