Posted 2023-06-02

What if it was summer break all the time?

Link to original newsletter.

This June, we’re thinking about what a world without school would look like...

What if it was summer break all the time?

In this newsletter you’ll find:

  • Info about an “Ask Me Anything” Event with ASDE Organizers on June 10th
  • Update on Tipping Points Magazine
  • A Community Question
  • Summer Events in the SDE Community
  • RIGGED – An SDE Novel

Ask Me Anything with ASDE Organizers

June 10th, from 3-4:30 pm ET

If you’re new to self-directed education or just thinking about the practicalities of what your life could look like without school, you might have a lot of questions. Even those who have been doing this for a while, will still come up against things they need support in. If that’s where you’re at, join us at this event:

Join members of the Organizing Team for the Alliance for Self-Directed Education, on zoom, as we answer your questions about anything related to SDE and ASDE!

This event is pay what you can. We strive to keep our events and offerings accessible to everyone without financial barriers to access, but we do need donations in order to keep doing the work that we do. If you are able, please make a contribution for a ticket to this event. Any amount helps!

Together, Bria, Domari, Daveed, and Alex have decades of experience working with young people, parenting, facilitating, working with parents and families, and advocating for Self-Directed Education and youth liberation.

Register Here

“A World Without School” Collection

Tipping Points Magazine

Tipping Points Magazine put out a call for anyone to submit content for the theme: “A World Without School.” This was the first time we asked for submissions based on a theme. The range of content we received was an interesting contrast, from personal stories and art to more theoretical and practical articles about how to move toward a world without school. The collection will be published later this month.

SDE Writers Online Meetup

If you write about SDE topics, join Janice and others on Zoom to share your writing, get feedback, get some writing done, or just chat about struggles and successes. We meet every-other Monday at 8 pm Eastern. The next meetup is Monday, June 12th at 8 pm ET. Email to get the link to join.

Contribution Reminder

And just a reminder that Tipping Points Magazine is always looking for:

  • Stories (text, audio, video, images) of your personal experiences with Self-Directed Education that give people a window into what it looks like and how it works in your life.
  • Insights into how your work intersects with SDE (without being self-promotional).
  • Research-based / academic research that address child development, education policy, etc., through a surveying of relevant research.
  • Editorial style commentary that highlights the importance and relevance of Self-Directed Education in our world today

If filling out the form on our website is a barrier to you contributing to Tipping Points Magazine, please email your contribution to

Summer Events in the SDE Community

What: South Jersey Sudbury School Open Houses

Where: South Jersey Sudbury School at Camp Ockanickon

When: Sunday, June 4th & Sunday, July 23rd

About: All are welcome to visit South Jersey Sudbury School! You and your family will have an opportunity to meet staff and ask questions about our peaceful school in the pinelands.

Qué: Desescolarización a lo profundo

Dónde: en línea

Cuando: 10 de Junio, 2023, 10:00am — 19 de Agosto, 2023, 12:00am CST

De: Una oportunidad de coaching grupal para un número limitado de mamás/papás comprometid@s al proceso de desescolarización, y que buscan apoyo para navegar sus miedos y creencias oxidadas para transformar profundamente la relación con sus hij@s.

What: Liberated Kids Info Session

Where: On Zoom

When: June 12th, 2023 from 8-9:30pm Pacific Time

About: Learn more about Liberated Kids and self-directed education! Still accepting applications for August 2023

What: Intro to Liberated Learners Webinar

Where: Online

When: Jun 14, 2023, 9:00am — 10:00am EDT

About: Learn how to re-imagine education and create the kind of learning environment that supports Self-Directed Education.

What: Agile Learning Lab
Where: Clarkston, GA

When: June 22nd-24th

About: Join Heartwood Agile Learning Center for a facilitated exploration of self-directed learning and dynamic community co-creation!

What: Summer Training at ALC-NYC

Where: New York City, NY

When: July 6th – 14th, 2023

About: This ALC-NYC Summer program is held in our East Harlem school. The experience will include workshops, practice, and reflection time, hosted by Ryan Shollenberger, Abby Oulton, Nahla Simone, and B. English.

What: Intro to Liberated Learners Webinar

Where: Online

When: Jul 24, 2023, 7:00pm — 8:00pm EDT

About: Learn how to re-imagine education and create the kind of learning environment that supports Self-Directed Education.

What: EUDEC 2023 Bulgaria

Where: Sofia, Bulgaria

When: Aug 1, 2023, 4:00pm — Aug 7, 2023, 4:00pm UTC+03

About: For the first time this year, the European Democratic Education Conference will be held in Bulgaria between the 1st and the 7th of August!

Qué: Encuentro Comunidad ALC – 6-11 de Agosto 2023, Xalapa, Veracruz, México

Dónde: Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico

Cuando: 6-11 de Agosto 2023

De: Te invitamos a Rancho Viejo (en el cinturón de bosque que rodea a Xalapa), a vivir junto con otrxs aprendices, xadres (madres y padres), facilitadorxs, sostenedorxs de comunidades ALC, un espacio de conexión, de descubrimiento, de intercambio, de resonancia, de práctica, de aprendizaje, de asomarte a las ventanas por las que otrxs se han estado asomando este año (y por las que se asomaron los años anteriores también) y de habitar los paisajes a los que salimos a través de esas ventanas. Te invitamos a escucharnos, a hablar de lo que es importante para nosotrxs y de los saberes que hemos ido cultivando para vivir la vida conectada con nuestros sueños y esperanzas.

Tipping Points Press – An SDE Novel

RIGGED available now!

This young adult novel follows seventh-grader, Fisher Haskins, also called Little Fish, as he navigates life in Key West. For Fisher Haskins, school is a torturous waste of time, and not just because he can’t shake his reputation of nice-but-dumb kid. After his evening job washing boats on The Row, he barely has time to scarf down leftovers, get through his mind-numbing homework, and catch a few ZZZs.

Until recently, staying busy had worked just fine to distract Little Fish from facing life’s big quandaries, like, are some people destined to be eternal losers? Who decides what “winning” even means? And why does he feel like a walking magnet for every asshole on the island? If his dad were around, maybe he’d have some answers. Or would he be too wasted to care?

If you enjoyed this article and feel called to give back to ASDE, here are ways you can support our work:

  • Donate money
  • Share our content with others! Click one of the buttons above to easily share on Twitter, Facebook, or email.
  • Consider becoming a Contributor for Tipping Points

Tipping Points Magazine amplifies the diverse voices within the Self-Directed Education movement. The views expressed in our content belong solely to the author(s). The Alliance for Self-Directed Education disclaims responsibility for any interpretation or application of the information provided. Engage in dialogue by reaching out to the author(s) directly.

Asking the right questions...
What is Self-Directed Education?
Building a movement...
About the Alliance for Self-Directed Education
Sharing our stories...
Tipping Points Press