Posted 2017-10-05

Think Globally, Act Locally

The Alliance for Self-Directed Education is a global community that offers a platform for sharing ideas, events, questions, and answers...

Find Your Peeps
Local SDE groups are forming and making plans for their first meetings. If you’re an ASDE member, you can join (or start) a local group planning conversation here. As groups get started, we’ll list them in our upcoming Resource Directory that will help people find the closest groups.

Get on Facebook Live
Join us for our first Facebook Live event this Saturday, October 7, at 9am/Pacific (12pm/Eastern). ASDE member Aaron Eden will be discussing the formation of a local SDE group in Monterey, California, and his thoughts on the importance of local SDE groups. You can watch the event from our Facebook page and interact with Aaron in real time.

Want us to host a Facebook Live event for your local SDE group? Contact Bria Bloom:

Share Your Event
The News & Announcements section of our member forums is the perfect place to share your SDE-related events and discover events that interest you. Upcoming events posted by members include one in New Jersey (near NYC) and one in Queensland, Australia.

From the Member Forums

More from the Member Forums:

  • Are Homeschoolers Hurting Society?“I feel that as SDE families, we are creating change by opting out. I feel that the system is beyond broken, and that we can better raise global citizens without it.”
  • Connecting with a Public School Board“I have come across two ‘democratic’ schools ... which are connected with their public school boards... Does anyone have experience with this?.”

Tipping Points

Tipping Points is the online magazine from the Alliance for Self-Directed Education, designed to amplify and celebrate the voices of our movement.

[photo] How Does it Work?!? Re: Age Mixing
By Abigail Oulton
[photo] How Pokémon Sealed our Unschooling Fate
By Missy Willis
[photo] Can't Stop the Science
By Laura Grace Weldon

If you enjoyed this article and feel called to give back to ASDE, here are ways you can support our work:

  • Donate money
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  • Consider becoming a Contributor for Tipping Points

Tipping Points Magazine amplifies the diverse voices within the Self-Directed Education movement. The views expressed in our content belong solely to the author(s). The Alliance for Self-Directed Education disclaims responsibility for any interpretation or application of the information provided. Engage in dialogue by reaching out to the author(s) directly.

Asking the right questions...
What is Self-Directed Education?
Building a movement...
About the Alliance for Self-Directed Education
Sharing our stories...
Tipping Points Press