Posted 2018-05-17

Pam Laricchia: “Ask Me Anything” NOW!

For the next nine hours (noon-9pm ET), ASDE members can log into the Member Forums, here, and post a question for Pam...

[photo] Hi, I'm Pam Laricchia, a long-time unschooling mom living in Ontario, Canada. My three children left school mid-year in 2002 and they are now all young adults. Living with children who are free to live and learn has been the most amazing and joyful experience of my life and I love writing about it!

My fifth book, The Unschooling Journey: A Field Guide, was recently released, and looks at the unschooling journey through the lens of Joseph Campbell's hero's journey framework. I also host the Exploring Unschooling podcast, a brilliant excuse for me to chat with many of the generous people in the unschooling community who are so willing to share their experience and insights. The podcast began back in January 2016 and now has more than 100 episodes in the archive.

I'm really looking forward to chatting with you today!

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