The latest news, announcements, and newsletters from the Alliance organizers. Additional news and announcements submitted by and for ASDE members can be found in the Forums.
2019-07-05Three Common Myths about Unschooling
Share your story and answer people’s questions about the three common myths about unschooling!
2019-06-18Children’s freedom is one of the most important civil rights issues of our time
Greetings to Alliance Members and Subscribers! Through the forums on, and in our working groups and local SDE group support calls, we see members […]
2019-06-07Book releases, events, gatherings, and special projects
So much is going on around the Self-Directed Education community!
2019-05-05Windsor House Needs Your Help!
Windsor House, the longtime public democratic school in Vancouver, Canada, is facing possible closure. Windsor House has been operating for over 50 years, and is […]
2019-04-25The Alliance Needs Your Help: Take a 10 Minute Survey
Help inform ASDE’s direction and efforts to support and advocate for Self-Directed Education.
2019-04-19Announcement from the ASDE Board of Directors
2019-04-16Self-Directed Education Thread at This Year’s AERO Conference
Offerings will include Facilitating SDE, a Self-Directed Education Panel, Racial Equity in SDE, and more...
2019-04-01Who is Alexander Khost?
Meet the Editor-in-Chief of Tipping Points Magazine, whose involvement extends to many facets of the SDE world.
2019-03-22What is the Self-Directed Education Community up to?
Conferences, events, open houses, webinars, and other news.
2019-03-05What is ASDE up to?
The Library Initiative, AERO Conference, and ways to get involved.
2019-01-31An Update on the Year to Come
Plus: Thank you for your contributions to ASDE’s fundraiser
2019-01-23The Alliance: Diversity is our strength
Bringing together the voices, experiences, and practices of the SDE movement
2018-12-13Who is Bria Bloom?
Meet the grown unschooler who is helping ASDE stay organized and effective.
2018-12-08Share Your #SelfieDirected Story!
PLUS: Just Be in Relationship
2018-11-17Remembering John Taylor Gatto
One of the most admired and renowned critics of compulsory schooling.
2018-11-10Ask Us Anything Podcast Episode Now Available!
PLUS: Organized Sports Are Not Play
2018-10-22Teen Self-Directed Learners Podcast and AMA Today!
You’re invited to discover the worlds of three self-educating teens.
2018-10-04Contribute to the Resource Directory
PLUS: An advocacy meeting for young people involved in SDE
2018-10-03Engagement Opportunity for Young People
Join a dialogue call with other young people who are interested in advocating for Self-Directed Education. If you’re a young person age 17 or younger, […]
2018-09-28LIVE Ask Me Anything With a Panel of Young People
Plus: Advocacy opportunities, and an interview with Friends of the Modern School