New EDiT Website, Gatherings, and Resources from the SDE Community
Education in Transformation (EDiT) just launched their website. This website is a resource where you can watch videos about Self-Directed Education, learn how to get involved with their initiative, and browse a calendar with upcoming SDE-related events around the world! Please share it widely and connect with EDiT if you’re interested in collaborating.
Dr. Sundiata from GROW created this video about his experience starting a tuition-free SDE Learning Cooperative. If you are interested in the GROW tuition-free SDE center model, this video is a great resource.
Aaron Eden and Bria Bloom are hosting a live online workshop series about deschooling, facilitating SDE, and rethinking our partnerships with young people. You can find more information, or sign up, here.
On Saturday, October 19, 1-3pm, Natural Creativity Center, a resource center for self-directed learners (ages 4-18) and their families in Philadelphia, PA, is hosting a public panel event called “How Does It Work? A Panel Discussion about Building Trust in Self-Directed Education.” This event was organized to address the worries and questions of parents engaging in SDE who may be unsure of their path or outcomes. The panel will include veteran self-directed learners, parents, entrepreneurs, and a college admissions representative sharing their stories and answering audience questions. Supervision for young people will be provided. Interested? RSVP here.
The monthly local SDE groups online meeting is on Sunday, September 22nd at 2pm EST. This meeting is for people who are currently, or are interested in, organizing a local SDE group in their area. If you would like to join, or want to learn more about the local SDE groups initiative, email
Have another resource or offering to share? Please post it in the News & Announcements section of our forums!
The online magazine from the Alliance for
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Electric Fences, Chalk Lines, and the Spirit of Self Defense
This post describes a significant change we have recently made to our judicial system at Hudson Valley Sudbury School.
Matthew Gioia
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Los Riesgos de la Educación Autodirigida
¿Cuáles son los verdaderos riesgos de la Educación Autodirigida? En este artículo Rebecka Koritz examina los mitos y los miedos acerca de esta innovadora opción educativa.
Rebecka Koritz
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Is Homeschooling Just Coercive Education at Home, or Can It Be Self-Directed Education?
Reflections on a homeschooling journey.
Chetan Erande
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Tipping Points Magazine amplifies the diverse voices within the Self-Directed Education movement. The views expressed in our content belong solely to the author(s). The Alliance for Self-Directed Education disclaims responsibility for any interpretation or application of the information provided. Engage in dialogue by reaching out to the author(s) directly.