Posted 2018-07-12

“Ask Me Anything” with Anthony Galloway Jr.

Wednesday, July 18th, Noon–9pm/ET

[photo] Anthony Galloway Jr. co-nurtures the community at Heartwood ALC. His partner-centered approach to SDE facilitation includes modeling the types of communication and conflict-resolution skills that help self-directed young people build emotional intelligence and confident self-governance.

In graduate school, Anthony realized he no longer wanted to be part of the problems he saw with conventional education — especially those educational structures that threaten social justice for some socio­economic classes. He co-founded an SDE-aligned school to work toward solutions to the issues that arise from those structures.

Want to hear more about Anthony's story? You can read his blog or listen to his interviews in Akilah Richard’ podcast: How He's Using His Gifts, and Deschooling Through Time for Self.

Anthony brings a breadth of knowledge and experience about social justice work in SDE spaces. Curious about how to include social justic learning in SDE? The challenges and necessities of starting an SDE community? The personal deschooling process? How SDE can help children to develop a non-discriminatory way of being? Advice for people of color in SDE spaces? Join Anthony's AMA event in the ASDE member forums next Wednesday, July 18th, from 12noon-9pm/ET (9am-6pm/PT).

Read ASDE's archive of fantastic wisdom from past "Ask Me Anything" events, here. (Member login required.)

Tipping Points

The online magazine from the Alliance for Self-Directed Education, designed to amplify and celebrate the voices of our movement.

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