Posted 2017-08-25

How Has SDE Made an Impact on Your Life?

What happens when children are free to play and free to learn?

Photo of Mary “Self-Directed Education was the last ditch effort to save the life of our then 12 year-old daughter in 2009. The bullying was so severe in school she could not function and would rather be dead than return to school. Since then, SDE has not only saved her life, but given her the confidence to start her own textile business. Her younger sister, now age 10, has severe learning disabilities and SDE has enabled her love of learning and exploration to remain intact. SDE saved the life of one of my children and saved the inner self of my other.” —Mary, ASDE Member

Gift-Matching Campaign Update

In just a week we’ve raised $3,855 — nearly 40% of our $10,000 goal!

We are so grateful to everyone who has donated. Your gift will be doubled (details), which means twice the resources going straight into important Alliance initiatives, support, and outreach!

The Alliance is dedicated to reaching children and families, like Mary’s, whose entire lives can be turned around by Self-Directed Education. Your donation will help us reach more people, spread the word of SDE, and change lives.

We still have one week left! Help us reach our goal by donating today and/or spreading the word within your social networks by sharing this link:

From the Member Forums

Active conversations in the Member Forums:

  • Encouraging Entrepreneurship — “My daughter constantly wants to make stuff and sell it. I’m not sure how to support this.”
  • Starting a Sudbury model school — “I would love to hear from anyone that is interested in helping us or that can share wisdom from prior adventures. Especially anyone that tried to open a Sudbury school in the UK.”

Tipping Points

Tipping Points is the online magazine from the Alliance for Self-Directed Education, designed to amplify and celebrate the voices of our movement.

Katherine Williams
By Rebecka Koritz

How to Double Your Donation

Current members:  Log in to your Account page and click on “Make New Donation and/or Pledge.”

New members:  Sign up to be a part of the Alliance and choose to donate during the signup process.

All donations made between now and August 30 will be matched by our anonymous donor, up to $10,000. And remember that all monthly pledges will be matched through the end of this year!

With gratitude,

— Alliance Organizing Team

Donate Now!

If you enjoyed this article and feel called to give back to ASDE, here are ways you can support our work:

  • Donate money
  • Share our content with others! Click one of the buttons above to easily share on Twitter, Facebook, or email.
  • Consider becoming a Contributor for Tipping Points

Tipping Points Magazine amplifies the diverse voices within the Self-Directed Education movement. The views expressed in our content belong solely to the author(s). The Alliance for Self-Directed Education disclaims responsibility for any interpretation or application of the information provided. Engage in dialogue by reaching out to the author(s) directly.

Asking the right questions...
What is Self-Directed Education?
Building a movement...
About the Alliance for Self-Directed Education
Sharing our stories...
Tipping Points Press