Posted 2019-12-28

Help the ASDE Plane Soar Even More

This has been a great year for Self-Directed Education. With your help, 2020 will be an even greater one.

If you have not recently contributed financially to ASDE, you still have time to do so, before the end of the year, while the dollar for dollar matching campaign is still on and your contribution is still deductible for your 2019 taxes. And, if you haven’t yet joined ASDE, now is the time to do that.

Click here to find the donate and join buttons.

Have you noticed how the term itself — SDE or Self-Directed Education (capitalized) — is entering increasingly into mainstream vocabulary, and how more and more families are doing it? As just one indication of that, I have been invited recently by MIT Press to write a book, in their Essential Knowledge series, on Self-Directed Education. How wonderful is that? An understanding of Self-Directed Education is now “Essential Knowledge” according to one of the great university presses.

That is just one little example, but without the information spread that ASDE has catalyzed, by bringing your voice together with that of many others, that would not have happened. Without ASDE, the powers that be at MIT Press would have no idea what SDE is or why the time is ripe for them to do a book on it. We are getting closer to the tipping point.

In case you missed our earlier mailing, summarizing some of ASDE’s plans for next year, you can still find that here.

Thank you for being part of the movement to free children from coercive education and enable them to educate themselves in their own, individual, natural ways.

Have a wonderful, wonder-filled New Year,
Peter Gray

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Tipping Points Magazine amplifies the diverse voices within the Self-Directed Education movement. The views expressed in our content belong solely to the author(s). The Alliance for Self-Directed Education disclaims responsibility for any interpretation or application of the information provided. Engage in dialogue by reaching out to the author(s) directly.

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