Posted 2018-03-02

Building SDE Communities

Having a supportive community is one of the most important optimizing conditions for Self-Directed Education. SDE families often meet this need through informal communities: groups of friends and neighbors, special interest groups, etc. Many self-directed learners also partipate in communities that are specifically designed to support SDE, often organized as co-ops, resource centers, learning centers, or schools.

We’ve noticed that a lot of our members are interested in creating one of these more structured SDE communities, and fortunately there are many organizations that can help, so you don’t have to start from scratch. There are online courses offered by AERO, books about starting a Sudbury school, programs for starting a North Star model Liberated Learners Center for teens, and more.

Another organization offering support for SDE community startups is the Agile Learning Centers Network, which offers a free ALC Starter Kit. Our next Ask Me Anything event, on Thursday, March 8th, will feature Tomis Parker from the ALC Network. He was formerly the director of the first ALC in Manhattan, is currently a co-director of the ALC Mosaic school in Charlotte, NC, and is one of the authors of the ALC Starter Kit.

Tomis is looking forward to answering ASDE members’ questions about startups or any SDE topic.

Members who missed the last AMA event, with documentary filmmaker Jeremy Stuart, can read his answers here.

Tipping Points

The online magazine from the Alliance for Self-Directed Education, designed to amplify and celebrate the voices of our movement.

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