Posted 2024-03-07

ASDE Substack and Survey – Please share your feedback!

Link to original newsletter.

Newsletter Content:

  • Survey
  • New ASDE Substack
  • Grants for SDE folks
  • Upcoming Events
    • ASDE Support Call
    • Not Back to School Camp
    • Northeast Unschooling Conference
  • SDE Job Opportunities

ASDE Substack and Survey – Please share your feedback!

Hello hello everyone, welcome to our March ASDE newsletter. We have a couple of project launches to share and events to invite you to, including our new ASDE Substack, our upcoming support call, and some exciting events from the SDE Community.

ASDE Survey

As an alliance, we want to make sure we are providing a variety of ways to receive feedback from all of you. Your responses will help inform what we focus on next, ways we need to shift, and ideas to incorporate into our organization. The entire survey takes about 10-15 minutes, with an option for you to fill out just the first shorter section in a few minutes if you prefer. Please fill out the survey by Wednesday, March 20th.

Click here to fill it out.

New ASDE Substack

Our new Substack, Saving the Seeds of SDE, will be a place where we share written articles and read-alouds on a different, thriving platform, where we can build an audience and network of folks who are interested in and passionate about Self-Directed Education. We will still be sharing articles on Tipping Points Magazine and through our newsletter, but Substack will be a space where we can reach an expanding and varied audience, and connect with other authors and readers on intersections between SDE and other liberation-based movements.

Grants for SDE Folks

We were recently asked for a list of grants that Self-Directed Education centers and projects have received or have identified as SDE-friendly, and would be possibilities for others. Our knowledge is limited, and we wanted to crowdsource ideas from all of you. If you have received, applied for, or know of, a grant that is SDE-friendly and would be a good option for others, please respond to this email and let us know! We will collect a list and send it out next month. Let’s keep supporting one another in finding diverse funding streams because this work is important and challenging.

Upcoming Events

March 29, 2024 at 7 pm Eastern

Meaningful Mentorship with Youth in SDE, an ASDE Community Support Call

Join the Alliance for Self-Directed Education in our first Community Support Call – our first topic of discussion and inquiry is all about Mentorship with young people in SDE. We will feature a panel of skilled and experienced adults who have worked with youth in various settings.

Panelists include Anthony Galloway, Cassidy Younghans, Lou Hollis, & Lane Clark.

Note: Blake Boles is no longer available to be a panelist for this call.

Sign Up Here

August 7-21, 2024 (Oregon) & September 3-12, 2024 (Vermont)

Not Back to School Camp

In Oregon – August 7-21, 2024 (14 nights) at Camp Myrtlewood (near Myrtle Point)

In Vermont – September 3-12, 2024 (9 nights) at Farm & Wilderness (near Plymouth)

Not Back to School Camp aspires to create a sanctuary

  • that affirms, inspires, and mentors unschoolers...
  • where campers and staff transform spiritually, emotionally, physically, creatively, intellectually...
  • where profound friendships begin and grow...
  • and where adventure, mystery, music, wild spontaneous fun, and magic prevail.

Early registration discount deadline for both is March 31, 2024!

Sign up here.

August 23 – 26, 2024

Northeast Unschooling Conference (NEUC)

Location: Camp Winadu, 700 Churchill St, Pittsfield, MA 01201, USA

The Northeast Unschooling Conference is celebrating its 20th year! Join us at Camp Winadu in the Berkshire Mountains for family-friendly programming, outdoor activities, and plenty of adventure. All ages are welcome! Camp Winadu boasts many cabins, a dining hall, and access to Onato Lake as well as a pool! The Northeast Unschooling Conference is an annual gathering of unschooling families, grown unschoolers, and lifelong learners. Our goal is to create community, encourage dialogue, and help others embody liberatory educational practices outside of traditional school structures. We offer recreational and entertaining programming, workshops, and discussions meant to foster empathy, creativity, and dialogue around unschooling.

Our all-inclusive tickets cover your lodging, dining hall access, and conference pass! Day passes (including dining hall access) are also available for Saturday and Sunday. All ages are welcome, and ages 4 and under are free! While registration is FREE for children 4 and under, please do add it to your cart if you will be bringing a child age 4 and under so we have accurate counts of who will be attending the event.

Register Here.

For other SDE-related event listings or to add your own, check out ASDE’s Resource Directory.

SDE Job Opportunities

Self-Directed Education Facilitator
Job listing expires Mar 28, 2024

The Village Free School is a democratic community for self-directed learning in Portland, OR. We enroll young people ages 5-18, registered as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.

Tallgrass Sudbury School Hiring Announcement
Job listing expires Apr 4, 2024

Seeking Part-Time Support Staff Member in LaGrange, IL

If you enjoyed this article and feel called to give back to ASDE, here are ways you can support our work:

  • Donate money
  • Share our content with others! Click one of the buttons above to easily share on Twitter, Facebook, or email.
  • Consider becoming a Contributor for Tipping Points

Tipping Points Magazine amplifies the diverse voices within the Self-Directed Education movement. The views expressed in our content belong solely to the author(s). The Alliance for Self-Directed Education disclaims responsibility for any interpretation or application of the information provided. Engage in dialogue by reaching out to the author(s) directly.

Asking the right questions...
What is Self-Directed Education?
Building a movement...
About the Alliance for Self-Directed Education
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Tipping Points Press