Posted 2017-07-08

An Invitation from Peter Gray

photo of Peter Gray The Alliance for Self-Directed Education (ASDE) will hold a “mini-conference” as part of this year’s AERO conference, August 2-6. Jerry Mintz, the organizer of the AERO conference, has generously offered a special, low registration rate of $200 to ASDE members, to register for the whole conference. This is a $100 discount from the standard rate of $300.

I will be giving a keynote address (Friday evening) entitled Why Now is the Time for Self-Directed Education to Take Wings; and ASDE Board Member Akilah Richards will be giving a keynote (on Sunday morning), entitled On Race, Personal Power, and Lifelong Education: Unschooling as Means of Liberation for People of Color.

On Saturday afternoon, in the session entitled Meet With Your Group, we will hold a special workshop for ASDE members and would-be members to discuss and practice ways of advocating Self-Directed Education to people who don’t know what it is or understand how it works.

Other keynoters are Jonathon Kozol, John Taylor Gatto, Dayna Martin, and Dennis Littky. What a lineup!

Akilah and I will also be part of a Panel Discussion, along with Dennis Littky, following his talk and my talk on Friday evening.

After Jonathan Kozol’s talk, on Saturday evening, he and I will be on stage together as a two-person panel discussion. Yikes!

For more on the AERO conference, see:

To register at the special ASDE members’ rate, use this link:

Also, please spread the word about this opportunity to anyone who might be interested. For those who are not already members of ASDE, this is a great time to join, and the link above will automatically redirect to the new member sign-up page.

I know that the time is near, but if you can make it to the conference, or part of it, this is a great opportunity. I do look forward to seeing you there, if you can make it.

If you’re going to be at AERO, please reply to this email and say “I’ll be there!” We’ll compile a mailing list so we can communicate with each other during the event.

Hope to see you there,

Peter Gray is the president of ASDE’s board of directors and the author of Free to Learn.

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