Posted 2018-03-17

Announcements Galore!

First, an announcement; then, an announcement about announcements...

Next “Ask Me Anything” event: Dayna Martin

On Thursday, March 22, unschooling advocate Dayna Martin will invite ASDE members to ask her anything in our AMA Forum. Dayna is the author of Radical Unschooling: A Revolution Has Begun, and she has talked about unschooling in numerous TV appearances, including The Dr. Phil Show, The Today Show, and The Oprah Winfrey Show.

Here’s a compilation of video clips from several of Dayna’s TV appearances and home videos of her unschooling family lifestyle.

Members who missed the last AMA event, with ALC co-founder and ASDE organizing team member Tomis Parker, can read his answers here.

The Announcements Forum

Another benefit of ASDE membership is access to our News & Announcements forum where any member can share info about SDE-related projects and events they are organizing. To stay informed, you can go to this forum and click the Subscribe button:

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Tipping Points

The online magazine from the Alliance for Self-Directed Education, designed to amplify and celebrate the voices of our movement.

[photo] Deschooling in School
Part 2: Why even try?
David Lane
[photo] Can Unschooling Save Our Planet?
How we treat the earth is a reflection of how we treat each other.
Sarah Esau
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