Posted 2018-03-22

Today’s AMA with Dayna Martin starts at noon/ET (9am/PT)

She’s the author of Radical Unschooling: A Revolution Has Begun, and today ASDE members can log into the member forums and post a question for Dayna.

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Tipping Points

The online magazine from the Alliance for Self-Directed Education, designed to amplify and celebrate the voices of our movement.

The Self-Directed Bookworm

Blake Boles, author of The Art of Self-Directed Learning and founder of Unschool Adventures, is the latest SDE writer to volunteer his time and talent by contributing a monthly column for Tipping Points. His column, "The Self-Directed Bookworm," will feature articles about new and fascinating SDE-related books he's reading.

[photo] Hail the Almighty Diploma
On the Undeniable Power of Credentials and What Self-Directed Learners Can Do About It
Blake Boles
[photo] Wanted: A Few Good Females
Why is it that parents, who come to see the value in a Free School education, think it might be just the thing for their son, but don't want to rock the boat for their "well-adjusted" daughter?
Michelle Loucas
From the Member Forums

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Tipping Points Magazine amplifies the diverse voices within the Self-Directed Education movement. The views expressed in our content belong solely to the author(s). The Alliance for Self-Directed Education disclaims responsibility for any interpretation or application of the information provided. Engage in dialogue by reaching out to the author(s) directly.

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Tipping Points Press